Where are we going? Where are we from? Men are blind as they look to the sun.
To guide them on their way but time proves it does not pay, To wander endlessly, without hope, without love, without peace from above.
The sun gives light to the shadowy deeds of murders, who kill for their needs,
Of lust, hate, power, and bait the unknowing intellectual-
Into fulfilling his role of digging himself a bottomless hole.
Men seek as their way out, evolution as their solution. Is this what life is all about?
I want what they want, but I disagree as to their way of destruction, despair and pulling of hair. Because as long as man fights man, there will never be any hope of inward reality.
Look, search, dig all you want. Check Hegel, Dewey, Sartre or Kant.
Sift through the annuals of time on time and see if man's purported solution compares to mine,
Which is to look up, down, left, and right and find nowhere in sight
A human answer to a human problem. BUT--
There is a place where men have failed to look, and it's not in a paper paged book.
But in the life of one man who had a plan for man to live and love
As now He seeks, but found not in the bleak sight of a revolution; is His solution.
It all starts with, yes, a revolution, only in man's heart.
The world didn't understand and doesn't today, they call His death a defeat but little do they,
Know of what they speak, because He is alive today bringing to many love, peace, hope and liberty.
So my goal is the same as yours, but I don't have to beat down the doors.
I simply ask, what is more important, your ego in spite of your very dear life?
You can't have both and exist very happily because they don't function well in reality.
Also you can't have both for they are incompatible.
To choose the lesser makes the others insurmountable.
Life then comes to this -- you have a choice to make
Living a life worth living or a death you'll hate.
Bill Lee-Warner 1960 Oregon State