Thursday, July 9, 2015

Traveling the web is like a spider after a fly. Big stone, or Megalith culture is intriguing.  Each stunning discovery shatters the basic premise of evolution with facts written in stone.  To illustrate the difference between the advanced Megaliths and primitive Neolith's is Machu Picchu in Peru. Most structures are river rock stacked by the Incas but there are walls of precision cut polygon stones that fit perfectly by the  Megaliths.
          Micro evolution is true. There are tremendous variations in genetic families.  Citrus fruit can be white, orange or red. skins thick or thin, rough or smooth  the fruit varies from sweet to sour from bitter to bland.  Blood orange juice is my favorite but trees have thorns.  Citrus varies from tiny cumquats to giant pummelos.  A single citrus tree can accept grafts from any member of the citrus family but never nuts, avocados, peaches or plums.  Macro evolution is unverifiable!
Evolutionists cast vitriol on creationists as if we came from an insane asylum.  They will discuss primitive Neoliths but bypass Megaliths as if their record in stone didn't exist. The Kauai's Menehune ditch.  Shaped volcanic stone was quarried six miles away.  This was part of the world wide Megalith culture that precision cut polygonal stone was quarried miles from their resting place when they  built sensational stone structures.
"This special stonework shows unusual skill in working and finishing stone, the  ability to move the stone, and an unusually high standard of work.  A building will often be built to be earthquake resistant and may display a grace of architecture and proportion that is striking.  The entire structure may be aligned to north and water systems are still functional after thousands of years.   There are stone pyramids in Egypt, Central America and Tonga made of cut stones!  Ha‘amonga‘aMaui. In Tonga uprights are square cut and notched.  Lintel is fitted into the uprights.
Stone city of Nan Madol on Pohnpei. In Micronesia is made of stone beams the size of phone poles.  The quarry is miles away over water.  They moved these pillars placing them up to 30' high?  a massive project, as the site is over 1 mile square with many such buildings.   
         Plato, “For many generations…they obeyed the laws and loved the divine to which they were akin…they reckoned that qualities of character were far more important than their present prosperity. They bore the burden of their wealth and possessions lightly, and did not let their high standard of living intoxicate them to lose their self-control…But when the divine element in them became weakened…and their human traits became predominant, they ceased to be able to carry their prosperity with moderation.”
  IN ITALY there are hundreds of prehistoric walls    "Polygonal walls are traditionally classified into three types The first type is constructed with blocks of medium dimensions with coarse and inaccurate joints, the second type shows a good stonework with few wedge fillings between main blocks, and finally the third manner (Megaliths) is simply perfect,  the joints are so prepared that it is impossible to insert even a sheet of paper or blade of a pocket knife between two adjacent stones. The small town of Alatri, in  Frosinone   this “third manner” of polygonal walls is nearly intact,"          
The Evidence of Archaeology…."The date is set somewhere about 7000 years ago, a tiny segment of the total of 500,000 years. What was happening during this immense period of stagnation? What happened that in a period of only 2000 years at the most, an astonishingly high civilizations suddenly sprang into being in Sumer, Egypt, Peru and in the Indus Valley? The appearance of these ancient civilizations was as evident as it was unexpected.
                     "Neither in Egypt or Babylonia is a beginning of civilization found. As far back as archaeology can carry us, man is already civilized, building cities and temples, carving hard stone into artistic form, and even employing a system of pictorial record...This is remarkable in view of modern theories of development and of the evolution of civilization out of barbarism..., the culture and civilization of Egypt and Babylonia sprang into existence fully developed. Archaeology has failed to discover the elements how they ought to have grown..."
"Tell Halaf has revealed the most wonderful handmade pottery ever found. Although the lowest strata probably represents the oldest culture so far definitely attested. Great skill was shown in the working of obsidian into knives and scrapers...The pottery of Tell Halaf made by hand, is unbelievably thin, not thicker than two playing cards, and shows an extraordinary grasp of shape and decorative effect in color and design. The pottery was fired at great heat in closed kilns that permitted indirect firing with controlled temperatures. The result of the intense heat was the fusion and verification of the silicates in the paint became a glaze that gives the surface a porcelain finish Technically and artistically.
"The date of 9,000 B.C. for Göbekli Tepe the start of the Megalithic has its first evidence at about the same time as for the Neolithic. At Çayönü, Turkey, the use of copper has been dated somewhere around 7,000 B.C. "
           "The engineers of the megalithic monuments were big thinkers evidenced by what they built. These constructions are impressively large and contain methods not  understood.  looking at these projects like Baalbek, Stonehenge and the pyramids, whoever oversaw these constructions were well informed civil engineers skilled in mathematics, geometry and astronomy. These megalithic building skills were professionals schooled in many disciplines.  Concerning astronomy they were aware of the precession of the equinoxes   To understand astronomy requires a long time of observation over the lifetimes of many generations. Then you would have to accumulate these observations and continue to pass on this collective knowledge over an enormous length of time. As to passing on of this knowledge one theory has it that the structures encoded the math and geometry as a mnemonic (memory) device that lasted after the original builders were gone. Knowing the earth was a sphere and that latitude affected observation would help you navigate vast distances over land and water."
      Genesis says individuals lived 900 years giving them enough time to study astronomy.  This sophisticated knowledge passed through Adam and Eve to Cain's descendents. "They were the carriers of culture. They were the lawyers, doctors and politicians all rolled into one. They became priest kings.  explain how geometry and astronomy combined with mathematics was laid down by a Paleolithic culture which used such knowledge to build these awesome structures with no previous evidence or source from which such knowledge was drawn. The megalithic culture (first world civilization) was a world wide phenomenon."  
    Literature contains many references to enormous hewn stones used in ancient construction around the world, a few of which are as follows
-    Egypt, The Great Pyramid of Cheops: “…consists of 2.5 million stones 1 to 40 tons each. It takes a 300 hp diesel engine and hydraulic lifter to pick up a 7 ton granite slab”.
- “Blocks at Giza weighed 200 tons. The biggest blocks at Tiahuanaco, Mexico weighed 400 tons…
- Egypt, Zoser pyramid complex: “Mummified bulls were found in stone coffins weighing 80 tons.”
- Egypt, Aswan quarry: “The ‘Unfinished Obelisk’ near Aswan still lies in its quarry, detached on all but its lower side. If extracted, it would have been 137 ft high with a base about 13'. The total weight about 1168 tons, heavier than any piece of stone ever handled by the ancient Egyptians”.
- Egypt, Temple of Hatshepsut at Karnak: “…one of the largest standing obelisks remaining at Karnak. is 96.7 ft high and weighs 323 tons.”
- Egypt, Karnak: “The seventh and last of the Karnak obelisks…is the largest surviving obelisk, with a height.” This 118 ft obelisk was removed to Rome  stands in the Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano.
- Egypt, Luxor: “Ramesses II placed two obelisks before the Luxor Temple, one remains, the other was taken to Paris. The Luxor obelisk is made of red granite; it is 82 ft high and weighs 254 tons.”
- Bolivia, Tiahuanaco and Puma-Punku: “…stones weigh up to 400 tons…” “…stones up to 100 tons each, were quarried and hauled 10 kilometers away.” “One block of red sandstone in the platform of the Puma Punku weighs 131 tons.
- England, Stonehenge: “…160 stones, 4-37 tons each.” “The ‘sarsen’ stones were moved 20 miles from Avebury, some weighing 30 tons 30 ft high.”
- England, Avebury: “There were two hundred or so stones in the circles, the largest of which were over 55 tons, dragged a mile or more from the Downs.”
- Ireland, Dublin: “…The capstone of the megalithic tomb at Brenanstown, weighs 67 tons.”
- Mexico, La Venta: “…some of the (Olmec) stone “portrait” heads weighing as much as 25 tons.” “Stones weighing as much as 30 tons were found at Mitla.”
- Mexico, Quirigua: “…the largest Mayan stele, measuring 10.7 x 1.5 x 1.27 meters, and weighing 65 tons.” “Quirigua is where the largest monolith in the Maya world stands. It is the Stella E, weighing 65 tons and standing 35 feet high. It was quarried about three miles away.”
- Peru, Sacsahuaman: “…a stone 27 ft high and weighing over 300 tons.”
- Peru, Ollantaytambo: Regarding the six colossal monoliths at Ollantaytambo, “The gigantic stone blocks are from eleven to almost fourteen feet high, average six  feet in width, and vary in thickness from about three to over six feet.” “…some weighing 250 tons.” “…the giant stone blocks were quarried on a mountain on the opposite side of the valley. The blocks of red granite, after they had been quarried, hewed, and shaped, were transported from the mountainside, across two streams, and up to the Ollantaytambo site, carefully raised, put precisely in place, and finally fused together.”
- Lebanon, Baalbek: “…the colossal stones, each weighs about 1100 tons;  a weight no modern piece of equipment can come close to lifting and moving.” The largest block is 21 x 4 x 4 meters and the two others are 19.50 x 4 x 4 meters. Together they are 60 meters in length and 960 cu meters in volume. The blocks were quarried 400 meters distant."
- Israel, Jerusalem, Temple Mount: “The stones were cut with precision so no mortar was needed to fit them together. Some of these ashlars (columns) are as much as 35 feet long and weigh up to 70 tons.” “The Royal Stoa at the southern end of the mount was built in the shape of a basilica with four rows of 40 columns each, each 50 feet high…would weigh about 85 tons each.” “about 60 feet north of there are four blocks 11 feet high, one is 42 feet long and 14 feet thick, giving an estimated weight of 1,200,000 pounds…”
- France, Carnac: “…the 650 foot ‘long mound’ (Er-Grah), its relationship to the Grand Menhir monolith, 65 feet tall and weighing 350 tons (now fallen)…”
- Malta: “At Tarxien there are three temples and one Hal-Saflieni, a rock-cut hypogeum. The temples incorporate stone blocks weighing up to 24 tons each.”
 Greece, Mycenae, the ‘Treasury of Atreus’: “A lintels over the entrance door measures 9x5x1.2, with an estimated weight of 120 tons.” “… roofed by two enormous slabs, beautifully cut and polished, of which the inner one measure 3’9” in thickness, and 27.5’ in length on its lower and 29’ on its upper surface; its breadth is 17’, and it is computed that it weighs approximately 300,000  pounds.”
           It is believed the pyramid was built as a tomb for Fourth Dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu and was constructed over a 20-year the Great Pyramid was originally 280 Egyptian cubits tall, 146.5 metres (480.6 ft) but with erosion and absence of its pyramidion, its present height is (455.4 ft). Each base side was 440 cubits, (755.9 ft) long. The mass of the pyramid is estimated at 5.9 million tones. The volume, including an internal hillock, is roughly 2,500,000 cubic metres (88,000,000 cu ft).[5] Based on these estimates, building this in 20 years would involve installing approximately 800 tones of stone every day. Similarly, since it consists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks, completing the building in 20 years would involve moving an average of more than 12 of the blocks into place each hour, day and night."

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


            Undisputed best speculations known to man.

1    In the past (pre deluge) there were people far more advanced then we are.
2    They left behind megaliths beyond our imagination, perfectly shaped 80 ton blocks of stone. 69' x16' x13' -120 ton stone in Baalbek in Lebanon and the megaliths Puma Punku in Peru
3    No extra terrestrials were involved, there were probably giants but they didn't achieve these remarkable results as the steps and doorways were designed for normal human beings.
4    The catastrophe of the flood, volcanoes, and tectonic  shifts that were not only sideways but up and down which sunk cities and uplifted Peru's lake Titicaca from sea level to 12,000 feet with stone faced terraces on mountains containing sea shells up to 15,000 feet..
5    In the first 1,600 years men lived to be a thousand they were incredibly intelligent but also dreadfully evil, if each couple produced 30 Children the whole world was soon populated.
6    Satan had dominion over all the earth They were violent and blood thirsty committing human sacrifice. "Every imagination of their hearts was continually evil".  The Incas have a legend of evil people being killed by a flood
7    The flood changed the face of the globe destroying whole races of people leaving the fossil record of extinct plants and animals and megaliths.
8    Post flood all that were left are Neoliths -- primitive people living in caves chipping Clovis arrowheads migrating across the Bering straights to the western hemisphere
9    They lived only a tenth of the time of their pre-flood ancestors so it took a long time to repopulate the earth and start agricultural societies and stop being hunters and gatherers
10    The megalith cultures were technologically advanced they created sensational stone buildings and carvings it seems logical that they also built structures that were easily destroyed. The human fossils we find in caves were the outcasts of society  those living in  cities were totally destroyed.
11    Megaliths were constructed to be astrological observatories fitting with God concern over mankind giving themselves to the worship of stars i.e. Zodiac astrology, horoscope.  The Incas called them giants ad the Egyptians said they were gods???
12    Quoting about megalith cultures.  "It seems strange that for thousands of years it seemed that humans made no progress then all of a sudden between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago there was a world wide explosion of human creativity."  Several thousand years later these creative people disappeared.
13    They have found copper tools that these people supposedly used to shape the megaliths.  They have got to be kidding, shaping andesite (only diamonds are harder) with copper?
14    In Vietnam there are 9,000 sandstone jars some 8' tall and weight a ton?  2,000 lbs


Time --  one rotation of the earth = ione day,  moon's orbit (28 earth rotations) = a month; a year is the earth's one orbit around the sun. 
     "Scientists" assumed that our cosmos was eternal until Edwin Hubble discovered otherwise. They scrambled to build a theory to exclude an eternal Spirit  promoting the idea that we came from nothing and nothing became something and something by random chance was a purposeful intelligent!  Creationists believe that God created things already mature (adult Adam if he had all ready existed from an infant, making God a liar?

OLIDLY E t h e r e a l— James Ph  I like this poem as it says it all nicely       
"We’re made of stuff that’s hardly even here;  composed of atoms that are mostly space.
The solidity with which they appear   Because their trapped electrons race
around the nucleus — near light speed fast -   always possessing a negative charge
that won't let other negative charges past.  They also make the atom appear large.
Around the nucleus, that is tiny,  Electrons blur to a far distant cloud.
Were we their size, we wouldn’t even see   the nucleus we’d remotely enshroud.
The percent of empty space we define Is ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine nine "

.    "Am almost sure that consciousness is what makes the universe!  As nothing is really solid at all and eventually if you go back beyond the big bang everything came from nothing absolutely nothing"
So where did consciousness come from?????
        "Prior to the Big Bang, the state of the universe was nothing it possessed zero size  for which time was essentially undefined. The universe wasn't really nothing. "It" had to know about quantum mechanics, physics existed before the universe did, or, for that matter, before time did."  To make senses scientists are postulating reincarnation of the cosmos.??
The clue how God created everything is the law of entropy all thing tend towards randomness and energy is less available.  Extrapolating backwards creation began with a high order of organization and energy.  God is Omniscient, (having complete, unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding of "quantum mechanics") Omnipotent (all power) Omni present (transcends time & space) Took His power, which didn't deplete him; stabilize it put in all the information  (spoke) there were atoms, molecules, and genetics.  Things were preceded by one outside our perception

In the beginning was the Logos, the Word was with God, the Word was God.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made the darkness has not understood it.   (John 1:1-6)
"What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life  and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life,"   (1 John 1:1-4)
The Big Bang theory -- starts from nothing, exploded into nothing with tremendous energy slowly evolving from randomness to organization to intelligence. Not the normal pattern of entropy.  Evolutionist dismiss intelligent design.  Question? Did stupid design get us here?
Vilenkin "The universe had a beginning —I can’t pinpoint the time.  I've found that before our universe there was nothing, nothing at all, not even time itself."?  sounds good to me nothing did it
If there was nothing how do you find nothing and know a lot about nothing?  All that can be known about nothing is nothing.
"The law of conservation says that matter is never created or destroyed it is only converted into energy and back".    It doesn't say that you can't loose your common sense.  Many people buy into the big bang "Scientific truth", Science is OTR observable testable and repeatable of which I can't find any.       Yet who ever accepts Genesis is a religious bigoted ignoramus?  Am I missing something?
Saturday, November 01, 2014  Robert S, Greenwald



What a tangled web we weave when first we practice finding facts on the web.
Listing some contradictory concepts

Leyl's Uniformitarianism, basis of evolution is that the process existing today has never changed.
In contrasted to Immanuel Velikovskys catastrophism.
Ice ages are there 7ages or was there only 1 Ice age
Flood  -world wide or many local floods
Fossils animals slowly die and bones are preserved
 Animals suddenly buried become fossils sealed from destructive elements.
Listing of some of the Megalith  cultures / people
Olmecs.  Large 8' carved stone heads in Tabasco Mexico. Skeletons dissolved wet acid
Mayas.   Over 1,000 stone pyramids with 91 steps on each side with one on top = 365
Amazing shaped stone work on Machu Picchu contrasted to Incas stacked river rocks
Under water stone Yonagoni Monument off coast of Japan
Thousands of huge (pornographic) Hindu stone temples in India
Cone heads (cranial capacity over 50% larger than ours) near Lake Titicaca shaped cut and moved? 80 ton andesite stones from Titicaca to Cusco

History of mankind on the web goes back to primitive neolith people that slowly evolved ignoring the Megalith structures and only show megalith burial dolmens
Pre-Neolithic was a world wide Megalith culture that accomplished great things in stone, they were scientifically, mathematically advanced also in astronomy, they were very evil and blood thirsty.  There are skeletons in Peru and Mexico and their cranial capacity is almost double ours.  None of these people still exist.

Jewish Scripture has some wild stories yet they fit the fossil and geological facts as well as any other.  "Jabal the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. 21 His brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe. Tubal-cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and iron;"  (Gen 4:20-23)   Jabal-Jubal-Tubal???
They had domestic animals, and were involved in cultural activities, music Instruments, string and wind they by passed the Stone Age and bronze into forging iron??  This existed  for 1,600 years from Adam to Noah's flood and many lived over eight  hundred years. Soon after the deluge life span was cut down to70 years.  You're laughing!  Locals where Megalith existed say they were "mortal" gods or evil spirits and now they were aliens from outer space?

    Megalith cultures offered blood sacrifices cut out hearts to appeases "the sun" so it would rise in the morning.   "The LORD saw the wickedness of man was great on the earth, every intent of their heart was evil continually.   The LORD regretted  He had made man, and He was grieved in His heart"  (Gen 6:4)

After the megalith people were destroyed their "primitive" descendents went back to building a mud brick tower to heaven (Babel)   God destroyed them because He hated human blood sacrifice with the strongest illustration possible so Abrahams and Isaacs sacrifice story makes sense    Robert Greenwald    Jan.  15 2014
        (theory) An ice canopy circling the earth making the whole earth a temperate house giving warmth and diffused light 24/7 covering the whole earth.  Protecting life from the destructive rays of the sun.  The poles receive 360 days of light with no rain until the deluge, explains the frozen forests at the bottom of Antarctica ice cap.  Today the S. pole is a frozen desert with very little rain to make ice.  In the interval with the warming canopy gone and the deluge from the sky the ice cap was formed. So the ice cores cover only a short period of time.  The 1,600 years (from Adam to the flood) of tropical weather with constant light could cause tremendous growth world wide.  One third of the land mass today is in uninhabitable deserts which were once rich with vegetation, animals and humans.

    Once the Arctic had all the flora and fauna of today plus many that are extinct see on the web (1972 National geographic wall map of ice age mammals in the Alaska tundra) buried and frozen.  Such as cave lions, short faced bears, elephants and over 100 different mammals.  They were buried and frozen cataclysmically; not slowly.

    The Ice Age in N. America came as Volcanoes erupted worldwide, the ash not only knocked down the ice canopy but blocked the sun so in the Northern hemisphere the rain froze building huge glaciers.  The earth was in convulsion some glaciers ended on top of mountains explaining the claim that the ice mantel was two miles thick??   This explains the flash frozen mammoths in Siberian.  Farther South the deluge turned the Sahara Desert into lush pasture land with lakes and whale bones now buried in the dry lake beds

Noah and his three sons were Megalith people, intelligent, strong, and talented.  Other Megaliths cut stone "supernaturally" meaning we don't have a clue how they accomplished it. Noah certainly could cut wood to make the Ark, and they didn't use crude stone tools.

"Fountains of the deep" the main source of the deluge's water was volcanoes. Before the flood, the earth was basically a smooth ball.  Volcanism caused tectonic shifts as a result Lake Titicaca raised to 10,000 feet although it had been at sea level. Sea shells are found in the Andes. Mt. Ararat rose up; most of the continental shelf sunk beneath the sea.  This is why there are many ruins under the oceans.  People (megalith's) were destroyed by Tsunamis, earth quakes, volcanoes, landslides, upheavals.   It was a world wide catastrophe burying creatures at all different levels in the earth so the depth has little to do with the age of the fossil.

 1999 In S. California near Hemet is a man made reservoir –"Diamond Lake" 4.47 miles long,  1.86 miles wide, 260 feet deep and holds 800,000 acre feet of water.  They unearthed  horses, camels, hippos, Mastodons, giant sloth, dire wolves, saber tooth tigers and many others.  Some fossils were buried near the surface a mastodon was buried over 170' deep under a hill.
    Pleistocene fauna in North America included  1.giant sloths;   2.short-faced bears; several species 3. tapirs;   4.peccaries   5.long nosed and flat-headed peccaries);   6.American lion;   7.giant condors;   8. Miracinonyx ("American cheetahs",);  9.  saber-toothed cats like Smilodon and the scimitar cat, Homotherium10, dire wolves; 11.saiga;   12. camelids such as two species of now extinct 13 llamas and  14. Camelops;[4] at least two species  15.bison;  16. stag-moose; 17,  shrub-ox    18.Harlan's muskox; 14 species of pronghorn (of which 13 are now extinct); horses; mammoths and mastodons; the beautiful armadillo and the giant armadillo-like Glyptotherium [5] and giant beavers as well as birds like    teratorns and giant tortoises. The nine-foot sabertooth     salmon lived at the time as well. In contrast, today the largest North American land animal is the American bison.[6]  
 "It was clear that there was a definite pattern to the arrangement of the skeletons in the ash bed. Digging down from the top we always found rhinoceroses first, then, at deeper levels, smaller hoofed animals such as horses and camels, and finally, birds and turtles. The latter were always at the very bottom of the ash bed, in a layer containing numerous footprints of rhinos and other hoofed animals. It seemed evident that the small creatures died first, then the middle-sized ones, and finally, the rhinos. The animals definitely did not die all at once; they were not (with the possible exception of the birds and turtles) buried alive.
 What drew us to the Colson farm was a cliff nearly 100 feet high with a layer of very hard sandstone at the top. Like previous generations of fossil hunters we had learned to expect bones in this particular sandstone, known to geologists as the Cap Rock.
"Gobi is a rain shadow desert formed by the Himalaya range blocking rain-carrying clouds from the Indian Ocean from reaching the Gobi territory.  Much of the Gobi is not sandy but exposed bare rock It is a cold desert, with frost occurring on its dunes. Being quite far north, it is (2,990–4,990 ft) above sea level. An average of (7.6 in) of rain falls annually in the Gobi.  Large copper and gold deposits, about 80 kilometers from the Chinese border into Mongolia.[4] forecasts average annual production of 450,000 tones of copper and 330,000 ounces of gold,  theory - the Himalaya range was pushed up at the time of the deluge previously Gobi desert sustained enough vegetation to support a large population of dinosaurs, today there are only fossilized dinosaur eggs.

 Dogs from wolves is a myth  They gathered full gene sequences from a wolf in Israel, a wolf in China and a wolf in Croatia to encompass the sites of the original dog domestication. also sequenced the full genomes of an Australian dingo, a feral dog species thought to have originated in Southeast Asia, and an African basenji. Neither of these dogs have territories that overlap with wolves, Analysis of these genomes from the wolves and the dogs showed that the dogs were more closely related to each other than they were to the wolves. The wolves, too, were closely related to each other than to the dogs.

Little bit of logic

A few of the fossils excavated while constructing Diamond lake near Hemet Ca. 1. 7' high Jefferson’s ground sloth, 2.  Harlan’s ground sloth,   3.Dire wolf,  4.Giant Short-faced bear,   5. Sabre-toothed cat,   6.  huge American lion, 7. American mastodon,    8. Columbian mammoth,    9. Western horse,   10 Small horse,    11. Flat-headed peccary12.“Yesterday’s” camel,   13.  Ancient bison,  14 Long-horned bison,   15.  Diminutive Pronghorn,
fossil are buried quickly or they disintegrate.  An infinite number of bison's were slaughtered yet there are no fossil remains.  Some cataclysmic activity must take place, volcanoes ash, earth quakes tidal waves to quickly seal off the animals???  fossils of hippos were found in S. Cal. Rhinoceros and horses, in Antelope county in Nebraska that volcanic ash preserved.  These extinct animals covered the North American continent.  Geologist suggest these extinctions were random activities over a long period of time, if that were true many species should have escaped.  I'm sure that they were part of a single catastrophic disaster that lasted close to a year.  The seas were once three hundred feet lower than today exposing the continental shelf for habitation  a theory is the ice age in N. America melted it raised  the seas to the present level.  Not nearly enough ice to raise the ocean level three hundred feet. 
Here is the scenario as I see it of the world greatest destruction.  Much is extrapolation of facts some are educated  speculations.
Before the deluge 1.  no deserts, 2.  N. & S. poles were semi tropical   3.   no seasons   4. earth axis was tilted 5 degrees 5.  no rain the entire earth was watered by mists that came up    6. people lived ten times longer than today   7.  canopy gave constant light over the world filtering out the suns harmful rays   8. during the deluge volcanoes spewed ash and water  9.  The Andes along with Lake Titicaca rose from sea level to eleven thousand feet with sea shells,  sea horses and ocean fish the shore line tilted fifteen degrees   10.  There are Agricultural terraces  in Peru 17,000 feet above growth levels   11.   At the same time many human endeavors sank under the sea
"these factors stunned Australian George Dodwell, astronomer for they indicated that something happened to the earth in 2345 B.C. to cause it to tilt from its axis. Following that sudden and dramatic tilt, the earth began to wobble like a spinning top and gradually recovered to a new axial tilt.. Most important in all this for Dodwell was the recognition that the 2345 B.C. date for the tilting of the earth's axis coincides with the historical date of the Genesis flood, as based upon biblical chronologies. Dodwell's research, makes it possible to correct these astronomical dating procedures curious of archaeological mysteries are vast beds of perfectly preserved fossils frozen in the northern tundra's.  Buried beneath the northern tundras of Siberia and Alaska lie the remains of thousands of frozen animals, including the now-extinct mammoth. In some cases the carcasses are preserved to such a degree that their flesh is still edible, by bears   Northern tundras are cold barren wastelands, we know in the past the climate was much warmer. Fossil evidence has been found of plants that grow today as far south as Mexico. At one time the tundra was covered with lush vegetation.  A carcass found near the Beresovka River in Siberia in 1901 with well-preserved plant fragments in its mouth, indicating a sudden death. Inside the mammoth's stomach, twenty-four pounds of preserved vegetation was recovered. The mammoth's preserved state indicates that at the time of death there was a cataclysmic occurrence that produced both a rapid burial of the creature and a sudden and permanent drop in the temperature. Recent studies of the temperature parameters required to account for the state of preservation of the Beresovka mammoth reveal that "the animal must have frozen to death in mid-summer by being suddenly overcome by an outside temperature below —150° F."   Evolutionists suggest that impact from outer space has been responsible for extinctions. They have produced theoretical models which predict that if a large object smashed into the ocean, a massive jet of superheated steam shot into the upper atmosphere, it would be super chilled to form a layer of ice crystals blocking out the sunlight,  produce catastrophic climatic effects.   this  impact  idea  helps explain  other more puzzling features. In order to push the earth's axis into its present position, the asteroid had to be coming from a particular direction. The snap frozen mammoths of Alaska and Siberia are right in the path which would have been shot high into the atmosphere to supercool below freezing and fall to earth, in addition to freezing effects of sunblocking. The South Pole (world's driest spot, was not formed by snow falling slowly over time) is also in the path of any ice dump from this effect. World cooling would have followed to produce widespread glaciation which has been melting back ever since. it proves that Earth was struck by some sort of impact before 2345 BC, whether physical, magnetic or otherwise! This is not about speed slowing down, as Earth’s ‘gyroscope’ didn’t slow down anymore since its change from its initial 360 days-year to our present 365¼ days, which was very likely caused by the same event!
Asteroid impact with subsequent crustal fracturing accounts for some of the puzzling precipitate deposits,. Deep crust fracture would result in a lot of molten intrusion from the earth's interior. Such massive heated intrusion into the oceans might well result in rapid deposition of such minerals as limestone as cooling occurred. On the Columbia Plateau in the northwestern United States, there is 64,000 square miles of lava, with an average depth of 2/3 mile, spilled out rapidly under water.19 On the Deccan Plateau in western India, 200,000 square miles have been flooded with lava to an average depth of 3/4 mile. In southwestern Siberia, lava deposits are many times larger. Four times more magma spilled out on the Ontong-Java Plateau (on the floor of the western Pacific) than on the Deccan Plateau. How did so much magma form, and how did it get out?

     How does it relate to Dodwell’s Cataclysm? Well, , bear with us to take it apart stone by stone! What this limestone polymer high-tech shows is that the first ‘Old Kingdom’ Egyptians were not only as smart as us today, but smarter! That they were smarter than us, does not fit with a popular ruling theory that “Modern Man slowly ascended from dumb cavemen?” Did you know that all the early ancient civilizations like Sumeria, Egypt, Indus valley, China, Peru, Atlantis, all sprang up super smart and abruptly at around the same time, in very small numbers, and seemingly “from nowhere” without any obvious historical roots? “They” blame it on them just learning to write “fresh from the cave!
Until, all of a sudden, this huge REAL climate change occurred, that stopped those abundant rains and turned lush North Africa, Indus valley and Middle East into dry deserts, which Italian research  proved took place around 1500 B.C! Which they call the Bronze Age Collapse!
That all coincides nicely with the sinking of many coastal land areas around the world due to a 300 ft. ocean level rise, indicating the melting of the ice caps and the end of the Ice Age, plus the resulting great migrations of people out of the desert into Europe, and North African Olmecs by ship into Mexico, denied by the 2345 B.C. catastrophe   these ostensibly “root-less” ancient patriarchs weren’t just smart builders, but also great astronomers on a par with us today, and global cartographers as well. They somehow managed to map the entire earth with trigonometric maps that pictured the rounding of the globe mathematically correct, as 15th century AD copies show! They had instruments on a par with ours and measured the Earth’s circumference, together with other fundamental earth- and astronomical measurements, were encoded into the Great Pyramid!
This Piri Reis map, obviously based on ancient source maps, shows Antarctica without ICE! That does not mean that the ancient wizards mapped the world 12.000 years ago, as compromising Hancock would have us believe, but some 4300 years ago before the recent and only Ice Age began, around the same time when the rains began to erode the Sphinx & pyramids!
the entire Earth enjoys a perpetual spring. With an axial tilt of only 5o the planet is not subject to seasons and even the poles are a good deal warmer than those of today.  a world where it never rains. there are modest rivers and a 'mist which rises from the ground',
There are no oceans. There is however, a canopy containing 820 million cubic kilometers of water weighing 90 million, million, million tones, suspended some 240 kilometers above the surface of the Earth. These revelations generate two mysteries. How does the water stay up there, defying gravity? how could the Sun, Moon and stars be visible with all that liquid blocking the view? Mr Dodwell almost certainly had answers to these questions but no disclosure is made in his manuscript.
Having been forewarned, Noah builds his Ark and takes on board his wife (whom we learn, is Naamah, daughter of Enoch – another mystery solved), his three sons with their wives, and assorted fauna. And this latter leaves us with a complicated can of worms which has been argued about and fought over for many years. By all accounts the capacity of the Ark (1.5 million cubic feet, displacing 66,000 tonnes) was adequate for the accommodation of an enormous number of creatures for Noah to have gathered together a pair of each of the Earth's multitudinous species (over 15,000 species of mammals for a start, let alone the reptiles and the insects) unless by some extraordinary supernatural means. In Mr Dodwell's account this latter solution is not discussed; science and the arcane make an uneasy mix. Particularly intriguing is the question of the dinosaurs. There are only three options: (a) the dinosaurs never existed, (b) they were included in the Ark's complement, or (c) they either appeared and became extinct during the period 4000 BC to 2345 BC, or in the period since the great Flood. And since none of these options seem to be logically tenable,
it rains for forty days and nights, causing massive and destructive flood damage and the loss of every creature on Earth - except those safely in the Ark - another event with far reaching effects occurs. In the vast empty basin now occupied by the Pacific Ocean the water arrives in one huge deluge. The force of its fall is so great that the land around the basin is thrust up into mountains and thus remain to this day. Tectonic plate activity,.
The enormous volume of water arriving at once has a dramatic additional effect. It literally knocks the Earth 'sideways' increasing its axial tilt (or its obliquity to the ecliptic, as Mr Dodwell puts it) to 23.5o thus condemning us to the vagaries of the seasons with all the weather implications involved, from that time forward. Rain, snow, hurricanes, bleak polar caps, glaciers, icebergs, droughts, and all such weather-oriented phenomena replace the previous permanent tranquility.
According to the Genesis account (confirmed by Mr Dodwell) the flood water level is sufficient to cover 'all the hills and mountains'. However, in due course the water recedes – although where it all goes is another of those small mysteries – everyone emerges from the Ark  the surviving animals make their way back to their countries of origin. Noah and his family descend to the plain and these eight people over a period of 4337 years, multiply to our present population of over five billion. Not impossible of course. Dodwell has it all neatly calculated and charted. But there must have been some unhealthy inbreeding
 In the main he sets out his case with faultless and convincing mathematical precision. its clear that he did not merely take the Biblical account with a view to confirmation. In his research he discovered that the record of ancient and medieval observations of the obliquity of the ecliptic (the axial tilt of the Earth) did not tally with the accepted 'Newcomb Formula' and set out on a voyage of investigation to find the reasons for the discrepancies. In short, with enormous patience and single-minded diligence, he started from scratch. Nor did he allow himself to leave any stone unturned. In his manuscript he cites the Egyptian Dynasties, the Aztec Empire and Stonehenge among many other references; his tenacity and apparent logic are irreproachable.
it's all there, in its detailed glory, for anyone with the time, the patience, the fortitude and an open mind to examine at the Mortlock Library, Adelaide. Mr George Dodwell also sent a copy of his manuscript to the Royal Society but this august body decided against publication on the grounds that 'errors of ancient observations needed further discussion'. And so far as I know, there the matter ended.


             Young Earth creationist are attacked on the basis of character assassination, not facts.  I don't enjoy being called stupid  just because I subscribe to an intelligent Creator.
 One scientist  said "Young Earths" should not be allowed in universities because they are dumb."
Are all pictures 10' skeletons photo shopped?   Are all archeological finds given to the Smithsonian institute don't fit the accepted evolutionary time line just disappear? 
Some of the strangest anomalies in the world are the ruins at Puma Punku near Lake Titicaca.
The stone work is so perfect that many suggest it was done by extra terrestrials Some intricately cut stone is Andesite, only diamonds are harder.  Cutting stone must have been so easy that they cut doorways into a huge stones that went no where.  How did they do it?
Traditional geologists suggest that the stones were worked with tradition copper hand tools yet there are straight narrow slits like a diamond saw cut with perfectly drilled holes.
One theory; Titicaca, over two miles high, was once at sea level as it contains sea horses and seashells which explains how 15,000' elevation agricultural terraces would have been at 2,000'
Pre Deluge the earth was quite smooth with large areas covered with shallow seas.  Flora and fauna grew continually for two thousand years under ideal conditions.  At the flood the “fountains of the deep” broke loose; volcanic ring of fire around the earth ripped open.  The water/ice canopy source of the hothouse affect allowing tropical growth at the poles, collapsed. Mt. Monzama (Crater Lake) blew 7,700 years ago and its ash covered five states. It entombed now extinct animals, horses’ 25' camels, giant land sloth’s, mastodons, lions, saber tooth tigers, rhinos, bears etc.  It is conjectured that a comet hit the earth triggering tectonic plate shifts unleashing volcanoes as the main source of the flood.    Dinosaurs (reptiles grow as long as they live) thrived all over the world in places that are now inhospitable.   At 6,000' the barren Gobi desert is filled with dinosaur fossils

          It didn't take much water to lift the ark over the “highest” mountains, probably small foot hills.  As the ark floated the tectonic plates pushed up mile high mountains explaining sea shells high in the Andes, Himalayas and in deserts aquatic fossils, over most of the world. As the mountains go up the sea beds go down creating today’s deep oceans
During the flood tidal waves swept the earth dumping both flora and fauna into fissures.  Today they are mined for coal and bone meal. In England there are caves with openings 300” above sea level filled with bones from hippos, elephants plus Artic bones in alluvial sand and gravel.
            Lake Titicaca --- Historian Arthur Posnansky studied the area over 50 years observing that sediment had been deposited over the site to the depth of six feet. Within this overburden, produced by a massive flood of water sometime around the Pleistocene age (13,000 years ago) high dry and cold so that many fossilized human skulls were unearthed together with sea shells and remnants of tropical plants. 1. The skulls have nearly three times the cranial capacity of modern man are displayed in the museums in Bolivia.  It is generally agreed that larger brains the more intelligent the species?
"There is an ancient shoreline tilted 15 degrees etched into the hills surrounding Tiahuanaco. Lime deposits are on the surface of the exposed megaliths, indicating they had been submerged in water. Posnansky wrote: "The climate is dry, the foliage scanty, the weather cold, the neighboring people wretchedly poor and few in number. The top soil of the plateau is a two-foot dry deposit, now soft stone. Below it stands the lignite of charred tropical plants. Next come a layer of ash deposited amidst rainfall, and then appears an alluvial deposit. In such a place, one would normally expect merely a scanty soil, windswept, on rocky ground.  Spanish chroniclers arrived with the conquistador Pizaro, the Inca explained that Tiahuanaco had been constructed by a race of giants, called "Huaris", before Chamak-pacha, the "period of darkness", and was already in ruins before their civilization began. The giants had been created by Viracocha, the god who came from the heavens."
          "(Viracocha ) created animals and a race of giants. These beings enraged the Lord, and he turned them into stone. Then he flooded the earth till all was under water, and all life extinguished. This flood was called uñu pachacuti, by the Inca meaning "water that overturns the land." They say that it rained 60 days and nights, drowning all created things, and alone remained some vestiges of those who were turned into stones. Who had erected those cities whose ruins still dot its islands and western shores, whose history is totally lost in time."  Oddity anomalies
I spent much time on the web trying to find the height and cranial capacity of ancient people.  One place Cro-Magnon men were over seven feet tall at another sight they are just over five feet tall.  They say their cranial capacity was 15-20% greater than ours yet the Neanderthals were larger yet?   The "J" skulls in Peru go from 2600cm to 3200cm?  I'm quite totally confused!  Obviously these "Stone age" creators of perfectly cut stone up to a hundred tons, were more advanced than we are now!
Robert Smiley Greenwald  E-mail   Sept. 25 2013

        THINK?  Could "Chance" create a  box with no chance of a creator?
The  megalith culture is written in stone and can't be hidden  it destroys the basic concept of Evolution, 

Can matter be created out of helium and hydrogen with heat and pressure in cold empty space?
 Can gravity pull elements together without mass?  While 90 to 99% of space is empty accept for dark matter?  A bio genesis – does life come from inorganic matter?
    Is the earth more fruitful than in the past?  Today 35% of earths land mass is desert including Antarctica with frozen forests under a mile and a half deep of ice even though there is little participation? at one time deserts were fruitful.

    Species they speculate between 1 and 4 billion species and fifty million survive.
 Some say that 75% to 85% of the flora and fauna are extinct.  Are animals getting larger?  Mammals to day are 15% to 40% smaller than their fossil ancestors.

We are smarter than Neolith people of 5 to 7 thousand years ago.  Before them were very advanced Megalith people, cranial capacity of 2500cc average human brain now is 1500cc) all we know are their magnificent stone pyramids and abandoned stone temples world wide .  They accomplished things impossible for us today.  Megaliths in Peru!!! Some wonder if they were space aliens.  There is little information about them accept for their sensational stone temples and astronomically designed observatories and calendars.  The megaliths blow apart evolution's premise of slowly evolving mankind and that all nature had a primitive past. 

A theory just as logical it includes a supernatural Spiritual Creator the Greeks called LOGOS the unseen unknowable creator /coordinator of all things.
 This makes more sense to me than blind chance which I haven't had much luck with lately.  
"Chance" for evolutionists is a super intelligent conceptual entity.  No wonder they reject intelligent design because they already have one; called "Chance."

"Archaeological remains discovered 36 meters (120 feet) underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India could be over 9,000 years old. The city - is 5 miles long and 2 miles wide - predates known remains in the subcontinent by more than 5,000 years."

"Off the coast of Yonaguni Island by Okinawa is a large structure Over 600 feet wide and 90 feet high the edifice was initially thought to be a natural formation on its discovery, nearly 10 years ago. There are also numerous round holes carved into the rock look as though they were made to support large wooden poles. The structure is lying on the seabed,  60 to 100 feet below the surface. The last time  these areas were not covered by the ocean was approximately 8 thousand years ago.   According to Professor Kimura, a marine geologist at the University of Okinawa: "This could only have been done by a people with a high degree of technology . . .With some sort of machinery involved to create such a huge structure."
Off the shores of Alexandria, Egypt are ruins of  royal quarters.. Historians believe this site was submerged by earthquakes and tidal waves more than 1,600 years ago. The excavations concentrated on the submerged island of Antirhodus. Cleopatra is said to have had a palace there.. two statues where lifted out of the harbor. One was a priest of the goddess Isis; the other a sphinx
 Smithsonian museum policy is that no one was here before Native Americans (Indians). Many finds are hidden even the Kennewick man video was canceled and the Giant skull and skeletons in Lovelock cave in Winnemucca museum There are hundreds of reports of anomalies turned over to the Museum never to be seen again.  True or not? The Olmec's giant stone heads in Tabasco Mexico or the elongated skulls in Peru, that were projected to be 7' tall are still with us.

Using the Genesis scenario how many facts fit in contrast to evolution.  No one has seen God or the big bang ball and we don't know its origin.
Evolutionist  doubt  scripture that says light existed days before the sun or moon were created.   Big Bang theory  300,000 years of blinding light even before mater coalesced into stars.???
Give "chance" plus adequate time good things evolve.

Evolution and creation agree on the sequence. First matter, -elements then plant and animal life finally Human beings.  Creationist believe we have animal bodies yet we are spiritual /moral beings made in the image of God.    The difference-is billions of years or six days.  
Evolutionist's reject Isaiah's insight where creation is instantly restored for the millennium.
Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolith ages, primitive, stone age, then bronze age and iron age.

"Abel a keeper of flocks, Cain was a tiller of the ground.  Cain brought an offering to the LORD of the fruit of the ground.  Abel, brought of the firstlings of his flock and their fat portions. The LORD regarded Abel's offering; but not Cain's so  he became very angry (Gen 4:2-5) Jabal the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. Jubal was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe.  Tubal-cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and iron; "(Gen 4:20-22)

In Paleoliths, Meseo and Neoliths by pass the Megaliths preceded the primitive Neolth's.  Who were these tremendously talented Megalith people?  (web photos Peru of megalith 80 ton stone structures cut from a mountain five miles away at Ollantaytambo)

The Megalith's descended from Adam and Eve and some lived 900 years.  The Megaliths lived longer were bigger taller smarter than modern man yet they have found no writing quite possibly their scrolls were destroyed in the deluge.  Noah's Megalith family needed more than primitive stone tools to build the ark?  The Megalith's believed Abel's blood sacrifice and blood shedding was their path to heaven by ripping out beating human hearts to appease the sun.  King Kamehameha made Human sacrifices  for success in combat The luakini heiau was a large sacrificial war temple dedicated to the god Kuka’ilimoku (Ku).

"The LORD saw the wickedness of man was great that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The LORD said, " I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them."  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.
" (Gen 6:5-8)
There are many different stories of the flood what I didn't realize that there are many stories about god creating mankind which became so evil that God destroyed them??!!

Many discount the deluge yet all of the Megalith people are gone.  They say the cliff dwellers left because the weather changed the same with over a thousand Mayan temples.  They are right the weather had changed for the deluge was greater than anything imaginable.
 The earth must have been quite smooth before the deluge, Several asteroids hit at different places radically shifting the tectonic plates, igniting volcanoes on the ring of fire, destroying the protective Ice canopy, covering the pacific northwest with lava flows 30' deep with choking ash killing all life.  Great areas of the seas sunk while mountains rose, massive tidal waves swept the land burying everything in its wake freezing at the poles and wooly Mammoths in Siberia.
Crater lake erupted 7,000 years ago along with many other volcanoes covering five states with ash, entombing horses, camels, giant land sloth's   A bulldozer in Dakota sands uncovered 10 individuals four of them women 58 feel below the surface only dinosaurs are buried that deep.??  The 120 ton baalbek stone 69'x16'x13' lies deserted in Lebanon.

Chaco Canyon in N.W. New Mexico sat at the center of a thriving civilization of 4,000 people with a monumental “great houses” faced with yellow-orange sandstone. The largest great houses Pueblo Bonito had over 600 rooms  Most buildings were four-stories high  Altogether they used 200,000 coniferous trees in construction carried from mountains sixty miles away.. Settlements were socially anchored by a dense cluster of massive stone buildings in Chaco Canyon called “great houses.” Labor estimates for the construction of individual great houses exceed several hundred thousand man-hours bear testimony to an unprecedented amount of energy and organization.  Archeologist conclude that many rooms were never inhabited for there were no fires to heat.   How about a radical weather change,?   The desert can only support a few people today did it support thousands?  Sticking out of the sandstone on top of the mesas are fossilized shrimp burrows. "During the Cretaceous period, approx 60 to 80 million years ago, the Great Inland Sea covered this area."? (At 6,000 elevation??   
Today there is no trace of those people.  Mucho Mahalo  Bob

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Who were they?   Some say midgets (Menehunies) others say Giants;  Some say gods others demons  many say hybrids between sons of God and the daughters of men.  Could be the descendents of Cain and that is why they were so remarkable and evil.   The whole earth had a unified language until the post flood tower of Babel when languages were confused.

"A river flowed out of Eden from and became four rivers. the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, there second river is Gihon;.  the third river is Tigris; it flows east of Assyria.  the fourth river is the Euphrates."  (Gen 2:10-15)  Most Rivers have a thousand sources this one had one.
"A mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground."   (Gen 2:6)   The whole earth was watered there were no deserts until after the deluge
God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, let it separate the waters from the waters."  God separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so"   (Gen 1:6-7) this is the source of the canopy theory

God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind";.  God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps after its kind; and God saw that it was good.    (Gen 1:24-26)

"I have given you every plant, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; to every beast and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food";   (Gen 1:29-31) photosynthesis the "green" source of life.

"Enoch built a city.   to Enoch  Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock.  His brother's Jubal; was the father of those who play the lyre and pipe. Zillah, gave birth to Tubal-Cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and iron;
"     (Gen 4:17-23)

Adam lived 930 years,  Gen 5:8-11 Seth lived 912 years, Enosh lived 905years
"The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great, that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was evil continually.  The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; "    (Gen 6:5-7)   This period lasted for 1,650 years.

  random quotes from the web that seem to uphold the Megalith concept and the radical changes in the earth."Before the flood, the greenhouse effect atmosphere enabled biological animal life to reach huge sizes as seen in the dinosaurs. Man could grow and If you lived for 900 years the "internet" would be in your head; you wouldn't need a book-- Maybe pre-flood men and women were drastically SUPERIOR to us physically and mentally--and this is a scary thought because we knew they were exceedingly evil. That Noah was able to build his giant ship and not be stopped by these evil peers can only be explained by a function of time lulling them to mock and ignore him We know the largest megaliths existed before the flood and the smaller ones were built after the flood, indicating a reduced ability to build them. Most megaliths are religious monuments or ceremonial in function--, was built with world-wide punishment from God in mind and its purpose was to embed technological know-how that would survive to jump-start mankind's reduced capacity minds after the flood. Some suggest Enoch built the great pyramid--not the Egyptians. the sphinx is really a LION and was built by a pre-flood civilization—the Neters were not Egyptians "
"Their superior agricultural skills, their knowledge of Cosmology, and their overall grasp of the formulas of nature all indicate that the ancients not only were advanced, but they were much more so than us, thousands of years later. This means that as a race, mankind has declined from a high point over the passage of Eons.   Water ring on the Sphinx and its enclosure was formed by runoff from rain precipitation. The last time Egypt had rains like that was 8 to 11,000 years ago"
      "Observations made point out the hundreds of thousands of marine fossils, and seashells preserved in the walls of the pyramids and surrounding the base of the monuments. Sir Petrie first entered the great pyramid he was shocked to find sea salt encrustations all over the walls and coffers."

       "Geologists are hard pressed to explain why there exists a fourteen-foot layer of silt sediment around the base of the Pyramid, a layer which also contained many seashells, and the fossil of a sea cow, all of which were dated by radiocarbon methods to 11,600 B.P"
 Silt and sea shells also by Lake Titicaca in Peru
Lake Titicaca Peru –"Ancient stories of massive floods pass from generation to generation and in. "The tales differ by locale, but commonly feature either torrential rains or a hugely destructive wall of water bursting into a valley, destroying everything in its path. In many cases, the flooding is an act of retribution by displeased gods.. Recent findings indicate that at least a few of them could be based on real floods that caused destruction on an enormous scale."

        "Lower altitude terraces where corn could still grow are still at a level above Lake Titicaca. This means that the "pre-historic" peoples cultivating corn "lived" in the area "before" and "after" the numerous cataclysmic uplifts that raised the Andes. The uplifts caused the terraces where the corn "was" successfully cultivated to be raised to an altitude where the corn would not grow. As the mountains rose cataclysmically the peoples terraced their cornfields successively lower down the mountainsides. There is a stone causeway leading "out" of Lake Titicaca. It has been speculated the area used to be at sea level and the causeway led out to the Pacific ocean. The causeway now leads out of the lake to nowhere at 9000 feet altitude."

          "There are stone "ruins" more "ancient" than the stone causeway leading out of Lake Titicaca. They are buried under six feet of "sediment" on the shallow "bottom" of Lake Titicaca. The sediment contains "pre-historic"  sea shell fossils. There was not enough topsoil surrounding Lake Titicaca to have "eroded" and "covered" these "ancient" ruins with sediment."

 "Cherchen Man is a mummy discovered in the Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, western China. “died around 1000 BC”. The mummy is described as: a 3,000 year old male, “6-foot-6-inch giant with Caucasian features”, hair that is “reddish brown flecked with grey, framing high cheekbones”, an “aquiline” “long nose, full lips and a ginger beard”, whose face is tattooed with “yellow and purple patterns”, he wears “a red twill tunic and tartan leggings"