Young Earth creationist are attacked on the basis of character assassination, not facts. I don't enjoy being called stupid just because I subscribe to an intelligent Creator.
One scientist said "Young Earths" should not be allowed in universities because they are dumb."
Are all pictures 10' skeletons photo shopped? Are all archeological finds given to the Smithsonian institute don't fit the accepted evolutionary time line just disappear?
Some of the strangest anomalies in the world are the ruins at Puma Punku near Lake Titicaca.
The stone work is so perfect that many suggest it was done by extra terrestrials Some intricately cut stone is Andesite, only diamonds are harder. Cutting stone must have been so easy that they cut doorways into a huge stones that went no where. How did they do it?
Traditional geologists suggest that the stones were worked with tradition copper hand tools yet there are straight narrow slits like a diamond saw cut with perfectly drilled holes.
One theory; Titicaca, over two miles high, was once at sea level as it contains sea horses and seashells which explains how 15,000' elevation agricultural terraces would have been at 2,000'
Pre Deluge the earth was quite smooth with large areas covered with shallow seas. Flora and fauna grew continually for two thousand years under ideal conditions. At the flood the “fountains of the deep” broke loose; volcanic ring of fire around the earth ripped open. The water/ice canopy source of the hothouse affect allowing tropical growth at the poles, collapsed. Mt. Monzama (Crater Lake) blew 7,700 years ago and its ash covered five states. It entombed now extinct animals, horses’ 25' camels, giant land sloth’s, mastodons, lions, saber tooth tigers, rhinos, bears etc. It is conjectured that a comet hit the earth triggering tectonic plate shifts unleashing volcanoes as the main source of the flood. Dinosaurs (reptiles grow as long as they live) thrived all over the world in places that are now inhospitable. At 6,000' the barren Gobi desert is filled with dinosaur fossils
It didn't take much water to lift the ark over the “highest” mountains, probably small foot hills. As the ark floated the tectonic plates pushed up mile high mountains explaining sea shells high in the Andes, Himalayas and in deserts aquatic fossils, over most of the world. As the mountains go up the sea beds go down creating today’s deep oceans
During the flood tidal waves swept the earth dumping both flora and fauna into fissures. Today they are mined for coal and bone meal. In England there are caves with openings 300” above sea level filled with bones from hippos, elephants plus Artic bones in alluvial sand and gravel.
Lake Titicaca --- Historian Arthur Posnansky studied the area over 50 years observing that sediment had been deposited over the site to the depth of six feet. Within this overburden, produced by a massive flood of water sometime around the Pleistocene age (13,000 years ago) high dry and cold so that many fossilized human skulls were unearthed together with sea shells and remnants of tropical plants. 1. The skulls have nearly three times the cranial capacity of modern man are displayed in the museums in Bolivia. It is generally agreed that larger brains the more intelligent the species?
"There is an ancient shoreline tilted 15 degrees etched into the hills surrounding Tiahuanaco. Lime deposits are on the surface of the exposed megaliths, indicating they had been submerged in water. Posnansky wrote: "The climate is dry, the foliage scanty, the weather cold, the neighboring people wretchedly poor and few in number. The top soil of the plateau is a two-foot dry deposit, now soft stone. Below it stands the lignite of charred tropical plants. Next come a layer of ash deposited amidst rainfall, and then appears an alluvial deposit. In such a place, one would normally expect merely a scanty soil, windswept, on rocky ground. Spanish chroniclers arrived with the conquistador Pizaro, the Inca explained that Tiahuanaco had been constructed by a race of giants, called "Huaris", before Chamak-pacha, the "period of darkness", and was already in ruins before their civilization began. The giants had been created by Viracocha, the god who came from the heavens."
"(Viracocha ) created animals and a race of giants. These beings enraged the Lord, and he turned them into stone. Then he flooded the earth till all was under water, and all life extinguished. This flood was called uñu pachacuti, by the Inca meaning "water that overturns the land." They say that it rained 60 days and nights, drowning all created things, and alone remained some vestiges of those who were turned into stones. Who had erected those cities whose ruins still dot its islands and western shores, whose history is totally lost in time." Oddity anomalies
I spent much time on the web trying to find the height and cranial capacity of ancient people. One place Cro-Magnon men were over seven feet tall at another sight they are just over five feet tall. They say their cranial capacity was 15-20% greater than ours yet the Neanderthals were larger yet? The "J" skulls in Peru go from 2600cm to 3200cm? I'm quite totally confused! Obviously these "Stone age" creators of perfectly cut stone up to a hundred tons, were more advanced than we are now!
Robert Smiley Greenwald E-mail Smileygrn@Hawaii.rr.com Sept. 25 2013
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