THINK? Could "Chance" create a box with no chance of a creator?
The megalith culture is written in stone and can't be hidden it destroys the basic concept of Evolution,
Can matter be created out of helium and hydrogen with heat and pressure in cold empty space?
Can gravity pull elements together without mass? While 90 to 99% of space is empty accept for dark matter? A bio genesis – does life come from inorganic matter?
Is the earth more fruitful than in the past? Today 35% of earths land mass is desert including Antarctica with frozen forests under a mile and a half deep of ice even though there is little participation? at one time deserts were fruitful.
Species they speculate between 1 and 4 billion species and fifty million survive.
Some say that 75% to 85% of the flora and fauna are extinct. Are animals getting larger? Mammals to day are 15% to 40% smaller than their fossil ancestors.
We are smarter than Neolith people of 5 to 7 thousand years ago. Before them were very advanced Megalith people, cranial capacity of 2500cc average human brain now is 1500cc) all we know are their magnificent stone pyramids and abandoned stone temples world wide . They accomplished things impossible for us today. Megaliths in Peru!!! Some wonder if they were space aliens. There is little information about them accept for their sensational stone temples and astronomically designed observatories and calendars. The megaliths blow apart evolution's premise of slowly evolving mankind and that all nature had a primitive past.
A theory just as logical it includes a supernatural Spiritual Creator the Greeks called LOGOS the unseen unknowable creator /coordinator of all things.
This makes more sense to me than blind chance which I haven't had much luck with lately.
"Chance" for evolutionists is a super intelligent conceptual entity. No wonder they reject intelligent design because they already have one; called "Chance."
"Archaeological remains discovered 36 meters (120 feet) underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India could be over 9,000 years old. The city - is 5 miles long and 2 miles wide - predates known remains in the subcontinent by more than 5,000 years."
"Off the coast of Yonaguni Island by Okinawa is a large structure Over 600 feet wide and 90 feet high the edifice was initially thought to be a natural formation on its discovery, nearly 10 years ago. There are also numerous round holes carved into the rock look as though they were made to support large wooden poles. The structure is lying on the seabed, 60 to 100 feet below the surface. The last time these areas were not covered by the ocean was approximately 8 thousand years ago. According to Professor Kimura, a marine geologist at the University of Okinawa: "This could only have been done by a people with a high degree of technology . . .With some sort of machinery involved to create such a huge structure."
Off the shores of Alexandria, Egypt are ruins of royal quarters.. Historians believe this site was submerged by earthquakes and tidal waves more than 1,600 years ago. The excavations concentrated on the submerged island of Antirhodus. Cleopatra is said to have had a palace there.. two statues where lifted out of the harbor. One was a priest of the goddess Isis; the other a sphinx
Smithsonian museum policy is that no one was here before Native Americans (Indians). Many finds are hidden even the Kennewick man video was canceled and the Giant skull and skeletons in Lovelock cave in Winnemucca museum There are hundreds of reports of anomalies turned over to the Museum never to be seen again. True or not? The Olmec's giant stone heads in Tabasco Mexico or the elongated skulls in Peru, that were projected to be 7' tall are still with us.
Using the Genesis scenario how many facts fit in contrast to evolution. No one has seen God or the big bang ball and we don't know its origin.
Evolutionist doubt scripture that says light existed days before the sun or moon were created. Big Bang theory 300,000 years of blinding light even before mater coalesced into stars.???
Give "chance" plus adequate time good things evolve.
Evolution and creation agree on the sequence. First matter, -elements then plant and animal life finally Human beings. Creationist believe we have animal bodies yet we are spiritual /moral beings made in the image of God. The difference-is billions of years or six days.
Evolutionist's reject Isaiah's insight where creation is instantly restored for the millennium.
Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolith ages, primitive, stone age, then bronze age and iron age.
"Abel a keeper of flocks, Cain was a tiller of the ground. Cain brought an offering to the LORD of the fruit of the ground. Abel, brought of the firstlings of his flock and their fat portions. The LORD regarded Abel's offering; but not Cain's so he became very angry (Gen 4:2-5) Jabal the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. Jubal was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe. Tubal-cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and iron; "(Gen 4:20-22)
In Paleoliths, Meseo and Neoliths by pass the Megaliths preceded the primitive Neolth's. Who were these tremendously talented Megalith people? (web photos Peru of megalith 80 ton stone structures cut from a mountain five miles away at Ollantaytambo)
The Megalith's descended from Adam and Eve and some lived 900 years. The Megaliths lived longer were bigger taller smarter than modern man yet they have found no writing quite possibly their scrolls were destroyed in the deluge. Noah's Megalith family needed more than primitive stone tools to build the ark? The Megalith's believed Abel's blood sacrifice and blood shedding was their path to heaven by ripping out beating human hearts to appease the sun. King Kamehameha made Human sacrifices for success in combat The luakini heiau was a large sacrificial war temple dedicated to the god Kuka’ilimoku (Ku).
"The LORD saw the wickedness of man was great that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The LORD said, " I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them." But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD." (Gen 6:5-8)
There are many different stories of the flood what I didn't realize that there are many stories about god creating mankind which became so evil that God destroyed them??!!
Many discount the deluge yet all of the Megalith people are gone. They say the cliff dwellers left because the weather changed the same with over a thousand Mayan temples. They are right the weather had changed for the deluge was greater than anything imaginable.
The earth must have been quite smooth before the deluge, Several asteroids hit at different places radically shifting the tectonic plates, igniting volcanoes on the ring of fire, destroying the protective Ice canopy, covering the pacific northwest with lava flows 30' deep with choking ash killing all life. Great areas of the seas sunk while mountains rose, massive tidal waves swept the land burying everything in its wake freezing at the poles and wooly Mammoths in Siberia.
Crater lake erupted 7,000 years ago along with many other volcanoes covering five states with ash, entombing horses, camels, giant land sloth's A bulldozer in Dakota sands uncovered 10 individuals four of them women 58 feel below the surface only dinosaurs are buried that deep.?? The 120 ton baalbek stone 69'x16'x13' lies deserted in Lebanon.
Chaco Canyon in N.W. New Mexico sat at the center of a thriving civilization of 4,000 people with a monumental “great houses” faced with yellow-orange sandstone. The largest great houses Pueblo Bonito had over 600 rooms Most buildings were four-stories high Altogether they used 200,000 coniferous trees in construction carried from mountains sixty miles away.. Settlements were socially anchored by a dense cluster of massive stone buildings in Chaco Canyon called “great houses.” Labor estimates for the construction of individual great houses exceed several hundred thousand man-hours bear testimony to an unprecedented amount of energy and organization. Archeologist conclude that many rooms were never inhabited for there were no fires to heat. How about a radical weather change,? The desert can only support a few people today did it support thousands? Sticking out of the sandstone on top of the mesas are fossilized shrimp burrows. "During the Cretaceous period, approx 60 to 80 million years ago, the Great Inland Sea covered this area."? (At 6,000 elevation??
Today there is no trace of those people. Mucho Mahalo Bob
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