Saturday, July 4, 2015


Who were they?   Some say midgets (Menehunies) others say Giants;  Some say gods others demons  many say hybrids between sons of God and the daughters of men.  Could be the descendents of Cain and that is why they were so remarkable and evil.   The whole earth had a unified language until the post flood tower of Babel when languages were confused.

"A river flowed out of Eden from and became four rivers. the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, there second river is Gihon;.  the third river is Tigris; it flows east of Assyria.  the fourth river is the Euphrates."  (Gen 2:10-15)  Most Rivers have a thousand sources this one had one.
"A mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground."   (Gen 2:6)   The whole earth was watered there were no deserts until after the deluge
God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, let it separate the waters from the waters."  God separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so"   (Gen 1:6-7) this is the source of the canopy theory

God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind";.  God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps after its kind; and God saw that it was good.    (Gen 1:24-26)

"I have given you every plant, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; to every beast and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food";   (Gen 1:29-31) photosynthesis the "green" source of life.

"Enoch built a city.   to Enoch  Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock.  His brother's Jubal; was the father of those who play the lyre and pipe. Zillah, gave birth to Tubal-Cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and iron;
"     (Gen 4:17-23)

Adam lived 930 years,  Gen 5:8-11 Seth lived 912 years, Enosh lived 905years
"The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great, that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was evil continually.  The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; "    (Gen 6:5-7)   This period lasted for 1,650 years.

  random quotes from the web that seem to uphold the Megalith concept and the radical changes in the earth."Before the flood, the greenhouse effect atmosphere enabled biological animal life to reach huge sizes as seen in the dinosaurs. Man could grow and If you lived for 900 years the "internet" would be in your head; you wouldn't need a book-- Maybe pre-flood men and women were drastically SUPERIOR to us physically and mentally--and this is a scary thought because we knew they were exceedingly evil. That Noah was able to build his giant ship and not be stopped by these evil peers can only be explained by a function of time lulling them to mock and ignore him We know the largest megaliths existed before the flood and the smaller ones were built after the flood, indicating a reduced ability to build them. Most megaliths are religious monuments or ceremonial in function--, was built with world-wide punishment from God in mind and its purpose was to embed technological know-how that would survive to jump-start mankind's reduced capacity minds after the flood. Some suggest Enoch built the great pyramid--not the Egyptians. the sphinx is really a LION and was built by a pre-flood civilization—the Neters were not Egyptians "
"Their superior agricultural skills, their knowledge of Cosmology, and their overall grasp of the formulas of nature all indicate that the ancients not only were advanced, but they were much more so than us, thousands of years later. This means that as a race, mankind has declined from a high point over the passage of Eons.   Water ring on the Sphinx and its enclosure was formed by runoff from rain precipitation. The last time Egypt had rains like that was 8 to 11,000 years ago"
      "Observations made point out the hundreds of thousands of marine fossils, and seashells preserved in the walls of the pyramids and surrounding the base of the monuments. Sir Petrie first entered the great pyramid he was shocked to find sea salt encrustations all over the walls and coffers."

       "Geologists are hard pressed to explain why there exists a fourteen-foot layer of silt sediment around the base of the Pyramid, a layer which also contained many seashells, and the fossil of a sea cow, all of which were dated by radiocarbon methods to 11,600 B.P"
 Silt and sea shells also by Lake Titicaca in Peru
Lake Titicaca Peru –"Ancient stories of massive floods pass from generation to generation and in. "The tales differ by locale, but commonly feature either torrential rains or a hugely destructive wall of water bursting into a valley, destroying everything in its path. In many cases, the flooding is an act of retribution by displeased gods.. Recent findings indicate that at least a few of them could be based on real floods that caused destruction on an enormous scale."

        "Lower altitude terraces where corn could still grow are still at a level above Lake Titicaca. This means that the "pre-historic" peoples cultivating corn "lived" in the area "before" and "after" the numerous cataclysmic uplifts that raised the Andes. The uplifts caused the terraces where the corn "was" successfully cultivated to be raised to an altitude where the corn would not grow. As the mountains rose cataclysmically the peoples terraced their cornfields successively lower down the mountainsides. There is a stone causeway leading "out" of Lake Titicaca. It has been speculated the area used to be at sea level and the causeway led out to the Pacific ocean. The causeway now leads out of the lake to nowhere at 9000 feet altitude."

          "There are stone "ruins" more "ancient" than the stone causeway leading out of Lake Titicaca. They are buried under six feet of "sediment" on the shallow "bottom" of Lake Titicaca. The sediment contains "pre-historic"  sea shell fossils. There was not enough topsoil surrounding Lake Titicaca to have "eroded" and "covered" these "ancient" ruins with sediment."

 "Cherchen Man is a mummy discovered in the Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, western China. “died around 1000 BC”. The mummy is described as: a 3,000 year old male, “6-foot-6-inch giant with Caucasian features”, hair that is “reddish brown flecked with grey, framing high cheekbones”, an “aquiline” “long nose, full lips and a ginger beard”, whose face is tattooed with “yellow and purple patterns”, he wears “a red twill tunic and tartan leggings"         

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