Wednesday, July 8, 2015


            Undisputed best speculations known to man.

1    In the past (pre deluge) there were people far more advanced then we are.
2    They left behind megaliths beyond our imagination, perfectly shaped 80 ton blocks of stone. 69' x16' x13' -120 ton stone in Baalbek in Lebanon and the megaliths Puma Punku in Peru
3    No extra terrestrials were involved, there were probably giants but they didn't achieve these remarkable results as the steps and doorways were designed for normal human beings.
4    The catastrophe of the flood, volcanoes, and tectonic  shifts that were not only sideways but up and down which sunk cities and uplifted Peru's lake Titicaca from sea level to 12,000 feet with stone faced terraces on mountains containing sea shells up to 15,000 feet..
5    In the first 1,600 years men lived to be a thousand they were incredibly intelligent but also dreadfully evil, if each couple produced 30 Children the whole world was soon populated.
6    Satan had dominion over all the earth They were violent and blood thirsty committing human sacrifice. "Every imagination of their hearts was continually evil".  The Incas have a legend of evil people being killed by a flood
7    The flood changed the face of the globe destroying whole races of people leaving the fossil record of extinct plants and animals and megaliths.
8    Post flood all that were left are Neoliths -- primitive people living in caves chipping Clovis arrowheads migrating across the Bering straights to the western hemisphere
9    They lived only a tenth of the time of their pre-flood ancestors so it took a long time to repopulate the earth and start agricultural societies and stop being hunters and gatherers
10    The megalith cultures were technologically advanced they created sensational stone buildings and carvings it seems logical that they also built structures that were easily destroyed. The human fossils we find in caves were the outcasts of society  those living in  cities were totally destroyed.
11    Megaliths were constructed to be astrological observatories fitting with God concern over mankind giving themselves to the worship of stars i.e. Zodiac astrology, horoscope.  The Incas called them giants ad the Egyptians said they were gods???
12    Quoting about megalith cultures.  "It seems strange that for thousands of years it seemed that humans made no progress then all of a sudden between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago there was a world wide explosion of human creativity."  Several thousand years later these creative people disappeared.
13    They have found copper tools that these people supposedly used to shape the megaliths.  They have got to be kidding, shaping andesite (only diamonds are harder) with copper?
14    In Vietnam there are 9,000 sandstone jars some 8' tall and weight a ton?  2,000 lbs

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