Wednesday, July 8, 2015



What a tangled web we weave when first we practice finding facts on the web.
Listing some contradictory concepts

Leyl's Uniformitarianism, basis of evolution is that the process existing today has never changed.
In contrasted to Immanuel Velikovskys catastrophism.
Ice ages are there 7ages or was there only 1 Ice age
Flood  -world wide or many local floods
Fossils animals slowly die and bones are preserved
 Animals suddenly buried become fossils sealed from destructive elements.
Listing of some of the Megalith  cultures / people
Olmecs.  Large 8' carved stone heads in Tabasco Mexico. Skeletons dissolved wet acid
Mayas.   Over 1,000 stone pyramids with 91 steps on each side with one on top = 365
Amazing shaped stone work on Machu Picchu contrasted to Incas stacked river rocks
Under water stone Yonagoni Monument off coast of Japan
Thousands of huge (pornographic) Hindu stone temples in India
Cone heads (cranial capacity over 50% larger than ours) near Lake Titicaca shaped cut and moved? 80 ton andesite stones from Titicaca to Cusco

History of mankind on the web goes back to primitive neolith people that slowly evolved ignoring the Megalith structures and only show megalith burial dolmens
Pre-Neolithic was a world wide Megalith culture that accomplished great things in stone, they were scientifically, mathematically advanced also in astronomy, they were very evil and blood thirsty.  There are skeletons in Peru and Mexico and their cranial capacity is almost double ours.  None of these people still exist.

Jewish Scripture has some wild stories yet they fit the fossil and geological facts as well as any other.  "Jabal the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. 21 His brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe. Tubal-cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and iron;"  (Gen 4:20-23)   Jabal-Jubal-Tubal???
They had domestic animals, and were involved in cultural activities, music Instruments, string and wind they by passed the Stone Age and bronze into forging iron??  This existed  for 1,600 years from Adam to Noah's flood and many lived over eight  hundred years. Soon after the deluge life span was cut down to70 years.  You're laughing!  Locals where Megalith existed say they were "mortal" gods or evil spirits and now they were aliens from outer space?

    Megalith cultures offered blood sacrifices cut out hearts to appeases "the sun" so it would rise in the morning.   "The LORD saw the wickedness of man was great on the earth, every intent of their heart was evil continually.   The LORD regretted  He had made man, and He was grieved in His heart"  (Gen 6:4)

After the megalith people were destroyed their "primitive" descendents went back to building a mud brick tower to heaven (Babel)   God destroyed them because He hated human blood sacrifice with the strongest illustration possible so Abrahams and Isaacs sacrifice story makes sense    Robert Greenwald    Jan.  15 2014
        (theory) An ice canopy circling the earth making the whole earth a temperate house giving warmth and diffused light 24/7 covering the whole earth.  Protecting life from the destructive rays of the sun.  The poles receive 360 days of light with no rain until the deluge, explains the frozen forests at the bottom of Antarctica ice cap.  Today the S. pole is a frozen desert with very little rain to make ice.  In the interval with the warming canopy gone and the deluge from the sky the ice cap was formed. So the ice cores cover only a short period of time.  The 1,600 years (from Adam to the flood) of tropical weather with constant light could cause tremendous growth world wide.  One third of the land mass today is in uninhabitable deserts which were once rich with vegetation, animals and humans.

    Once the Arctic had all the flora and fauna of today plus many that are extinct see on the web (1972 National geographic wall map of ice age mammals in the Alaska tundra) buried and frozen.  Such as cave lions, short faced bears, elephants and over 100 different mammals.  They were buried and frozen cataclysmically; not slowly.

    The Ice Age in N. America came as Volcanoes erupted worldwide, the ash not only knocked down the ice canopy but blocked the sun so in the Northern hemisphere the rain froze building huge glaciers.  The earth was in convulsion some glaciers ended on top of mountains explaining the claim that the ice mantel was two miles thick??   This explains the flash frozen mammoths in Siberian.  Farther South the deluge turned the Sahara Desert into lush pasture land with lakes and whale bones now buried in the dry lake beds

Noah and his three sons were Megalith people, intelligent, strong, and talented.  Other Megaliths cut stone "supernaturally" meaning we don't have a clue how they accomplished it. Noah certainly could cut wood to make the Ark, and they didn't use crude stone tools.

"Fountains of the deep" the main source of the deluge's water was volcanoes. Before the flood, the earth was basically a smooth ball.  Volcanism caused tectonic shifts as a result Lake Titicaca raised to 10,000 feet although it had been at sea level. Sea shells are found in the Andes. Mt. Ararat rose up; most of the continental shelf sunk beneath the sea.  This is why there are many ruins under the oceans.  People (megalith's) were destroyed by Tsunamis, earth quakes, volcanoes, landslides, upheavals.   It was a world wide catastrophe burying creatures at all different levels in the earth so the depth has little to do with the age of the fossil.

 1999 In S. California near Hemet is a man made reservoir –"Diamond Lake" 4.47 miles long,  1.86 miles wide, 260 feet deep and holds 800,000 acre feet of water.  They unearthed  horses, camels, hippos, Mastodons, giant sloth, dire wolves, saber tooth tigers and many others.  Some fossils were buried near the surface a mastodon was buried over 170' deep under a hill.
    Pleistocene fauna in North America included  1.giant sloths;   2.short-faced bears; several species 3. tapirs;   4.peccaries   5.long nosed and flat-headed peccaries);   6.American lion;   7.giant condors;   8. Miracinonyx ("American cheetahs",);  9.  saber-toothed cats like Smilodon and the scimitar cat, Homotherium10, dire wolves; 11.saiga;   12. camelids such as two species of now extinct 13 llamas and  14. Camelops;[4] at least two species  15.bison;  16. stag-moose; 17,  shrub-ox    18.Harlan's muskox; 14 species of pronghorn (of which 13 are now extinct); horses; mammoths and mastodons; the beautiful armadillo and the giant armadillo-like Glyptotherium [5] and giant beavers as well as birds like    teratorns and giant tortoises. The nine-foot sabertooth     salmon lived at the time as well. In contrast, today the largest North American land animal is the American bison.[6]  
 "It was clear that there was a definite pattern to the arrangement of the skeletons in the ash bed. Digging down from the top we always found rhinoceroses first, then, at deeper levels, smaller hoofed animals such as horses and camels, and finally, birds and turtles. The latter were always at the very bottom of the ash bed, in a layer containing numerous footprints of rhinos and other hoofed animals. It seemed evident that the small creatures died first, then the middle-sized ones, and finally, the rhinos. The animals definitely did not die all at once; they were not (with the possible exception of the birds and turtles) buried alive.
 What drew us to the Colson farm was a cliff nearly 100 feet high with a layer of very hard sandstone at the top. Like previous generations of fossil hunters we had learned to expect bones in this particular sandstone, known to geologists as the Cap Rock.
"Gobi is a rain shadow desert formed by the Himalaya range blocking rain-carrying clouds from the Indian Ocean from reaching the Gobi territory.  Much of the Gobi is not sandy but exposed bare rock It is a cold desert, with frost occurring on its dunes. Being quite far north, it is (2,990–4,990 ft) above sea level. An average of (7.6 in) of rain falls annually in the Gobi.  Large copper and gold deposits, about 80 kilometers from the Chinese border into Mongolia.[4] forecasts average annual production of 450,000 tones of copper and 330,000 ounces of gold,  theory - the Himalaya range was pushed up at the time of the deluge previously Gobi desert sustained enough vegetation to support a large population of dinosaurs, today there are only fossilized dinosaur eggs.

 Dogs from wolves is a myth  They gathered full gene sequences from a wolf in Israel, a wolf in China and a wolf in Croatia to encompass the sites of the original dog domestication. also sequenced the full genomes of an Australian dingo, a feral dog species thought to have originated in Southeast Asia, and an African basenji. Neither of these dogs have territories that overlap with wolves, Analysis of these genomes from the wolves and the dogs showed that the dogs were more closely related to each other than they were to the wolves. The wolves, too, were closely related to each other than to the dogs.

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