Thursday, July 9, 2015

Traveling the web is like a spider after a fly. Big stone, or Megalith culture is intriguing.  Each stunning discovery shatters the basic premise of evolution with facts written in stone.  To illustrate the difference between the advanced Megaliths and primitive Neolith's is Machu Picchu in Peru. Most structures are river rock stacked by the Incas but there are walls of precision cut polygon stones that fit perfectly by the  Megaliths.
          Micro evolution is true. There are tremendous variations in genetic families.  Citrus fruit can be white, orange or red. skins thick or thin, rough or smooth  the fruit varies from sweet to sour from bitter to bland.  Blood orange juice is my favorite but trees have thorns.  Citrus varies from tiny cumquats to giant pummelos.  A single citrus tree can accept grafts from any member of the citrus family but never nuts, avocados, peaches or plums.  Macro evolution is unverifiable!
Evolutionists cast vitriol on creationists as if we came from an insane asylum.  They will discuss primitive Neoliths but bypass Megaliths as if their record in stone didn't exist. The Kauai's Menehune ditch.  Shaped volcanic stone was quarried six miles away.  This was part of the world wide Megalith culture that precision cut polygonal stone was quarried miles from their resting place when they  built sensational stone structures.
"This special stonework shows unusual skill in working and finishing stone, the  ability to move the stone, and an unusually high standard of work.  A building will often be built to be earthquake resistant and may display a grace of architecture and proportion that is striking.  The entire structure may be aligned to north and water systems are still functional after thousands of years.   There are stone pyramids in Egypt, Central America and Tonga made of cut stones!  Ha‘amonga‘aMaui. In Tonga uprights are square cut and notched.  Lintel is fitted into the uprights.
Stone city of Nan Madol on Pohnpei. In Micronesia is made of stone beams the size of phone poles.  The quarry is miles away over water.  They moved these pillars placing them up to 30' high?  a massive project, as the site is over 1 mile square with many such buildings.   
         Plato, “For many generations…they obeyed the laws and loved the divine to which they were akin…they reckoned that qualities of character were far more important than their present prosperity. They bore the burden of their wealth and possessions lightly, and did not let their high standard of living intoxicate them to lose their self-control…But when the divine element in them became weakened…and their human traits became predominant, they ceased to be able to carry their prosperity with moderation.”
  IN ITALY there are hundreds of prehistoric walls    "Polygonal walls are traditionally classified into three types The first type is constructed with blocks of medium dimensions with coarse and inaccurate joints, the second type shows a good stonework with few wedge fillings between main blocks, and finally the third manner (Megaliths) is simply perfect,  the joints are so prepared that it is impossible to insert even a sheet of paper or blade of a pocket knife between two adjacent stones. The small town of Alatri, in  Frosinone   this “third manner” of polygonal walls is nearly intact,"          
The Evidence of Archaeology…."The date is set somewhere about 7000 years ago, a tiny segment of the total of 500,000 years. What was happening during this immense period of stagnation? What happened that in a period of only 2000 years at the most, an astonishingly high civilizations suddenly sprang into being in Sumer, Egypt, Peru and in the Indus Valley? The appearance of these ancient civilizations was as evident as it was unexpected.
                     "Neither in Egypt or Babylonia is a beginning of civilization found. As far back as archaeology can carry us, man is already civilized, building cities and temples, carving hard stone into artistic form, and even employing a system of pictorial record...This is remarkable in view of modern theories of development and of the evolution of civilization out of barbarism..., the culture and civilization of Egypt and Babylonia sprang into existence fully developed. Archaeology has failed to discover the elements how they ought to have grown..."
"Tell Halaf has revealed the most wonderful handmade pottery ever found. Although the lowest strata probably represents the oldest culture so far definitely attested. Great skill was shown in the working of obsidian into knives and scrapers...The pottery of Tell Halaf made by hand, is unbelievably thin, not thicker than two playing cards, and shows an extraordinary grasp of shape and decorative effect in color and design. The pottery was fired at great heat in closed kilns that permitted indirect firing with controlled temperatures. The result of the intense heat was the fusion and verification of the silicates in the paint became a glaze that gives the surface a porcelain finish Technically and artistically.
"The date of 9,000 B.C. for Göbekli Tepe the start of the Megalithic has its first evidence at about the same time as for the Neolithic. At Çayönü, Turkey, the use of copper has been dated somewhere around 7,000 B.C. "
           "The engineers of the megalithic monuments were big thinkers evidenced by what they built. These constructions are impressively large and contain methods not  understood.  looking at these projects like Baalbek, Stonehenge and the pyramids, whoever oversaw these constructions were well informed civil engineers skilled in mathematics, geometry and astronomy. These megalithic building skills were professionals schooled in many disciplines.  Concerning astronomy they were aware of the precession of the equinoxes   To understand astronomy requires a long time of observation over the lifetimes of many generations. Then you would have to accumulate these observations and continue to pass on this collective knowledge over an enormous length of time. As to passing on of this knowledge one theory has it that the structures encoded the math and geometry as a mnemonic (memory) device that lasted after the original builders were gone. Knowing the earth was a sphere and that latitude affected observation would help you navigate vast distances over land and water."
      Genesis says individuals lived 900 years giving them enough time to study astronomy.  This sophisticated knowledge passed through Adam and Eve to Cain's descendents. "They were the carriers of culture. They were the lawyers, doctors and politicians all rolled into one. They became priest kings.  explain how geometry and astronomy combined with mathematics was laid down by a Paleolithic culture which used such knowledge to build these awesome structures with no previous evidence or source from which such knowledge was drawn. The megalithic culture (first world civilization) was a world wide phenomenon."  
    Literature contains many references to enormous hewn stones used in ancient construction around the world, a few of which are as follows
-    Egypt, The Great Pyramid of Cheops: “…consists of 2.5 million stones 1 to 40 tons each. It takes a 300 hp diesel engine and hydraulic lifter to pick up a 7 ton granite slab”.
- “Blocks at Giza weighed 200 tons. The biggest blocks at Tiahuanaco, Mexico weighed 400 tons…
- Egypt, Zoser pyramid complex: “Mummified bulls were found in stone coffins weighing 80 tons.”
- Egypt, Aswan quarry: “The ‘Unfinished Obelisk’ near Aswan still lies in its quarry, detached on all but its lower side. If extracted, it would have been 137 ft high with a base about 13'. The total weight about 1168 tons, heavier than any piece of stone ever handled by the ancient Egyptians”.
- Egypt, Temple of Hatshepsut at Karnak: “…one of the largest standing obelisks remaining at Karnak. is 96.7 ft high and weighs 323 tons.”
- Egypt, Karnak: “The seventh and last of the Karnak obelisks…is the largest surviving obelisk, with a height.” This 118 ft obelisk was removed to Rome  stands in the Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano.
- Egypt, Luxor: “Ramesses II placed two obelisks before the Luxor Temple, one remains, the other was taken to Paris. The Luxor obelisk is made of red granite; it is 82 ft high and weighs 254 tons.”
- Bolivia, Tiahuanaco and Puma-Punku: “…stones weigh up to 400 tons…” “…stones up to 100 tons each, were quarried and hauled 10 kilometers away.” “One block of red sandstone in the platform of the Puma Punku weighs 131 tons.
- England, Stonehenge: “…160 stones, 4-37 tons each.” “The ‘sarsen’ stones were moved 20 miles from Avebury, some weighing 30 tons 30 ft high.”
- England, Avebury: “There were two hundred or so stones in the circles, the largest of which were over 55 tons, dragged a mile or more from the Downs.”
- Ireland, Dublin: “…The capstone of the megalithic tomb at Brenanstown, weighs 67 tons.”
- Mexico, La Venta: “…some of the (Olmec) stone “portrait” heads weighing as much as 25 tons.” “Stones weighing as much as 30 tons were found at Mitla.”
- Mexico, Quirigua: “…the largest Mayan stele, measuring 10.7 x 1.5 x 1.27 meters, and weighing 65 tons.” “Quirigua is where the largest monolith in the Maya world stands. It is the Stella E, weighing 65 tons and standing 35 feet high. It was quarried about three miles away.”
- Peru, Sacsahuaman: “…a stone 27 ft high and weighing over 300 tons.”
- Peru, Ollantaytambo: Regarding the six colossal monoliths at Ollantaytambo, “The gigantic stone blocks are from eleven to almost fourteen feet high, average six  feet in width, and vary in thickness from about three to over six feet.” “…some weighing 250 tons.” “…the giant stone blocks were quarried on a mountain on the opposite side of the valley. The blocks of red granite, after they had been quarried, hewed, and shaped, were transported from the mountainside, across two streams, and up to the Ollantaytambo site, carefully raised, put precisely in place, and finally fused together.”
- Lebanon, Baalbek: “…the colossal stones, each weighs about 1100 tons;  a weight no modern piece of equipment can come close to lifting and moving.” The largest block is 21 x 4 x 4 meters and the two others are 19.50 x 4 x 4 meters. Together they are 60 meters in length and 960 cu meters in volume. The blocks were quarried 400 meters distant."
- Israel, Jerusalem, Temple Mount: “The stones were cut with precision so no mortar was needed to fit them together. Some of these ashlars (columns) are as much as 35 feet long and weigh up to 70 tons.” “The Royal Stoa at the southern end of the mount was built in the shape of a basilica with four rows of 40 columns each, each 50 feet high…would weigh about 85 tons each.” “about 60 feet north of there are four blocks 11 feet high, one is 42 feet long and 14 feet thick, giving an estimated weight of 1,200,000 pounds…”
- France, Carnac: “…the 650 foot ‘long mound’ (Er-Grah), its relationship to the Grand Menhir monolith, 65 feet tall and weighing 350 tons (now fallen)…”
- Malta: “At Tarxien there are three temples and one Hal-Saflieni, a rock-cut hypogeum. The temples incorporate stone blocks weighing up to 24 tons each.”
 Greece, Mycenae, the ‘Treasury of Atreus’: “A lintels over the entrance door measures 9x5x1.2, with an estimated weight of 120 tons.” “… roofed by two enormous slabs, beautifully cut and polished, of which the inner one measure 3’9” in thickness, and 27.5’ in length on its lower and 29’ on its upper surface; its breadth is 17’, and it is computed that it weighs approximately 300,000  pounds.”
           It is believed the pyramid was built as a tomb for Fourth Dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu and was constructed over a 20-year the Great Pyramid was originally 280 Egyptian cubits tall, 146.5 metres (480.6 ft) but with erosion and absence of its pyramidion, its present height is (455.4 ft). Each base side was 440 cubits, (755.9 ft) long. The mass of the pyramid is estimated at 5.9 million tones. The volume, including an internal hillock, is roughly 2,500,000 cubic metres (88,000,000 cu ft).[5] Based on these estimates, building this in 20 years would involve installing approximately 800 tones of stone every day. Similarly, since it consists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks, completing the building in 20 years would involve moving an average of more than 12 of the blocks into place each hour, day and night."

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