Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Time --  one rotation of the earth = ione day,  moon's orbit (28 earth rotations) = a month; a year is the earth's one orbit around the sun. 
     "Scientists" assumed that our cosmos was eternal until Edwin Hubble discovered otherwise. They scrambled to build a theory to exclude an eternal Spirit  promoting the idea that we came from nothing and nothing became something and something by random chance was a purposeful intelligent!  Creationists believe that God created things already mature (adult Adam if he had all ready existed from an infant, making God a liar?

OLIDLY E t h e r e a l— James Ph  I like this poem as it says it all nicely       
"We’re made of stuff that’s hardly even here;  composed of atoms that are mostly space.
The solidity with which they appear   Because their trapped electrons race
around the nucleus — near light speed fast -   always possessing a negative charge
that won't let other negative charges past.  They also make the atom appear large.
Around the nucleus, that is tiny,  Electrons blur to a far distant cloud.
Were we their size, we wouldn’t even see   the nucleus we’d remotely enshroud.
The percent of empty space we define Is ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine nine "

.    "Am almost sure that consciousness is what makes the universe!  As nothing is really solid at all and eventually if you go back beyond the big bang everything came from nothing absolutely nothing"
So where did consciousness come from?????
        "Prior to the Big Bang, the state of the universe was nothing it possessed zero size  for which time was essentially undefined. The universe wasn't really nothing. "It" had to know about quantum mechanics, physics existed before the universe did, or, for that matter, before time did."  To make senses scientists are postulating reincarnation of the cosmos.??
The clue how God created everything is the law of entropy all thing tend towards randomness and energy is less available.  Extrapolating backwards creation began with a high order of organization and energy.  God is Omniscient, (having complete, unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding of "quantum mechanics") Omnipotent (all power) Omni present (transcends time & space) Took His power, which didn't deplete him; stabilize it put in all the information  (spoke) there were atoms, molecules, and genetics.  Things were preceded by one outside our perception

In the beginning was the Logos, the Word was with God, the Word was God.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made the darkness has not understood it.   (John 1:1-6)
"What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life  and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life,"   (1 John 1:1-4)
The Big Bang theory -- starts from nothing, exploded into nothing with tremendous energy slowly evolving from randomness to organization to intelligence. Not the normal pattern of entropy.  Evolutionist dismiss intelligent design.  Question? Did stupid design get us here?
Vilenkin "The universe had a beginning —I can’t pinpoint the time.  I've found that before our universe there was nothing, nothing at all, not even time itself."?  sounds good to me nothing did it
If there was nothing how do you find nothing and know a lot about nothing?  All that can be known about nothing is nothing.
"The law of conservation says that matter is never created or destroyed it is only converted into energy and back".    It doesn't say that you can't loose your common sense.  Many people buy into the big bang "Scientific truth", Science is OTR observable testable and repeatable of which I can't find any.       Yet who ever accepts Genesis is a religious bigoted ignoramus?  Am I missing something?
Saturday, November 01, 2014  Robert S, Greenwald

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