A few of the fossils excavated while constructing Diamond lake near Hemet Ca. 1. 7' high Jefferson’s ground sloth, 2. Harlan’s ground sloth, 3.Dire wolf, 4.Giant Short-faced bear, 5. Sabre-toothed cat, 6. huge American lion, 7. American mastodon, 8. Columbian mammoth, 9. Western horse, 10 Small horse, 11. Flat-headed peccary12.“Yesterday’s” camel, 13. Ancient bison, 14 Long-horned bison, 15. Diminutive Pronghorn,
fossil are buried quickly or they disintegrate. An infinite number of bison's were slaughtered yet there are no fossil remains. Some cataclysmic activity must take place, volcanoes ash, earth quakes tidal waves to quickly seal off the animals??? fossils of hippos were found in S. Cal. Rhinoceros and horses, in Antelope county in Nebraska that volcanic ash preserved. These extinct animals covered the North American continent. Geologist suggest these extinctions were random activities over a long period of time, if that were true many species should have escaped. I'm sure that they were part of a single catastrophic disaster that lasted close to a year. The seas were once three hundred feet lower than today exposing the continental shelf for habitation a theory is the ice age in N. America melted it raised the seas to the present level. Not nearly enough ice to raise the ocean level three hundred feet.
Here is the scenario as I see it of the world greatest destruction. Much is extrapolation of facts some are educated speculations.
Before the deluge 1. no deserts, 2. N. & S. poles were semi tropical 3. no seasons 4. earth axis was tilted 5 degrees 5. no rain the entire earth was watered by mists that came up 6. people lived ten times longer than today 7. canopy gave constant light over the world filtering out the suns harmful rays 8. during the deluge volcanoes spewed ash and water 9. The Andes along with Lake Titicaca rose from sea level to eleven thousand feet with sea shells, sea horses and ocean fish the shore line tilted fifteen degrees 10. There are Agricultural terraces in Peru 17,000 feet above growth levels 11. At the same time many human endeavors sank under the sea
"these factors stunned Australian George Dodwell, astronomer for they indicated that something happened to the earth in 2345 B.C. to cause it to tilt from its axis. Following that sudden and dramatic tilt, the earth began to wobble like a spinning top and gradually recovered to a new axial tilt.. Most important in all this for Dodwell was the recognition that the 2345 B.C. date for the tilting of the earth's axis coincides with the historical date of the Genesis flood, as based upon biblical chronologies. Dodwell's research, makes it possible to correct these astronomical dating procedures curious of archaeological mysteries are vast beds of perfectly preserved fossils frozen in the northern tundra's. Buried beneath the northern tundras of Siberia and Alaska lie the remains of thousands of frozen animals, including the now-extinct mammoth. In some cases the carcasses are preserved to such a degree that their flesh is still edible, by bears Northern tundras are cold barren wastelands, we know in the past the climate was much warmer. Fossil evidence has been found of plants that grow today as far south as Mexico. At one time the tundra was covered with lush vegetation. A carcass found near the Beresovka River in Siberia in 1901 with well-preserved plant fragments in its mouth, indicating a sudden death. Inside the mammoth's stomach, twenty-four pounds of preserved vegetation was recovered. The mammoth's preserved state indicates that at the time of death there was a cataclysmic occurrence that produced both a rapid burial of the creature and a sudden and permanent drop in the temperature. Recent studies of the temperature parameters required to account for the state of preservation of the Beresovka mammoth reveal that "the animal must have frozen to death in mid-summer by being suddenly overcome by an outside temperature below —150° F." Evolutionists suggest that impact from outer space has been responsible for extinctions. They have produced theoretical models which predict that if a large object smashed into the ocean, a massive jet of superheated steam shot into the upper atmosphere, it would be super chilled to form a layer of ice crystals blocking out the sunlight, produce catastrophic climatic effects. this impact idea helps explain other more puzzling features. In order to push the earth's axis into its present position, the asteroid had to be coming from a particular direction. The snap frozen mammoths of Alaska and Siberia are right in the path which would have been shot high into the atmosphere to supercool below freezing and fall to earth, in addition to freezing effects of sunblocking. The South Pole (world's driest spot, was not formed by snow falling slowly over time) is also in the path of any ice dump from this effect. World cooling would have followed to produce widespread glaciation which has been melting back ever since. it proves that Earth was struck by some sort of impact before 2345 BC, whether physical, magnetic or otherwise! This is not about speed slowing down, as Earth’s ‘gyroscope’ didn’t slow down anymore since its change from its initial 360 days-year to our present 365¼ days, which was very likely caused by the same event!
Asteroid impact with subsequent crustal fracturing accounts for some of the puzzling precipitate deposits,. Deep crust fracture would result in a lot of molten intrusion from the earth's interior. Such massive heated intrusion into the oceans might well result in rapid deposition of such minerals as limestone as cooling occurred. On the Columbia Plateau in the northwestern United States, there is 64,000 square miles of lava, with an average depth of 2/3 mile, spilled out rapidly under water.19 On the Deccan Plateau in western India, 200,000 square miles have been flooded with lava to an average depth of 3/4 mile. In southwestern Siberia, lava deposits are many times larger. Four times more magma spilled out on the Ontong-Java Plateau (on the floor of the western Pacific) than on the Deccan Plateau. How did so much magma form, and how did it get out?
How does it relate to Dodwell’s Cataclysm? Well, , bear with us to take it apart stone by stone! What this limestone polymer high-tech shows is that the first ‘Old Kingdom’ Egyptians were not only as smart as us today, but smarter! That they were smarter than us, does not fit with a popular ruling theory that “Modern Man slowly ascended from dumb cavemen?” Did you know that all the early ancient civilizations like Sumeria, Egypt, Indus valley, China, Peru, Atlantis, all sprang up super smart and abruptly at around the same time, in very small numbers, and seemingly “from nowhere” without any obvious historical roots? “They” blame it on them just learning to write “fresh from the cave!
Until, all of a sudden, this huge REAL climate change occurred, that stopped those abundant rains and turned lush North Africa, Indus valley and Middle East into dry deserts, which Italian research proved took place around 1500 B.C! Which they call the Bronze Age Collapse!
That all coincides nicely with the sinking of many coastal land areas around the world due to a 300 ft. ocean level rise, indicating the melting of the ice caps and the end of the Ice Age, plus the resulting great migrations of people out of the desert into Europe, and North African Olmecs by ship into Mexico, denied by the 2345 B.C. catastrophe these ostensibly “root-less” ancient patriarchs weren’t just smart builders, but also great astronomers on a par with us today, and global cartographers as well. They somehow managed to map the entire earth with trigonometric maps that pictured the rounding of the globe mathematically correct, as 15th century AD copies show! They had instruments on a par with ours and measured the Earth’s circumference, together with other fundamental earth- and astronomical measurements, were encoded into the Great Pyramid!
This Piri Reis map, obviously based on ancient source maps, shows Antarctica without ICE! That does not mean that the ancient wizards mapped the world 12.000 years ago, as compromising Hancock would have us believe, but some 4300 years ago before the recent and only Ice Age began, around the same time when the rains began to erode the Sphinx & pyramids!
the entire Earth enjoys a perpetual spring. With an axial tilt of only 5o the planet is not subject to seasons and even the poles are a good deal warmer than those of today. a world where it never rains. there are modest rivers and a 'mist which rises from the ground',
There are no oceans. There is however, a canopy containing 820 million cubic kilometers of water weighing 90 million, million, million tones, suspended some 240 kilometers above the surface of the Earth. These revelations generate two mysteries. How does the water stay up there, defying gravity? how could the Sun, Moon and stars be visible with all that liquid blocking the view? Mr Dodwell almost certainly had answers to these questions but no disclosure is made in his manuscript.
Having been forewarned, Noah builds his Ark and takes on board his wife (whom we learn, is Naamah, daughter of Enoch – another mystery solved), his three sons with their wives, and assorted fauna. And this latter leaves us with a complicated can of worms which has been argued about and fought over for many years. By all accounts the capacity of the Ark (1.5 million cubic feet, displacing 66,000 tonnes) was adequate for the accommodation of an enormous number of creatures for Noah to have gathered together a pair of each of the Earth's multitudinous species (over 15,000 species of mammals for a start, let alone the reptiles and the insects) unless by some extraordinary supernatural means. In Mr Dodwell's account this latter solution is not discussed; science and the arcane make an uneasy mix. Particularly intriguing is the question of the dinosaurs. There are only three options: (a) the dinosaurs never existed, (b) they were included in the Ark's complement, or (c) they either appeared and became extinct during the period 4000 BC to 2345 BC, or in the period since the great Flood. And since none of these options seem to be logically tenable,
it rains for forty days and nights, causing massive and destructive flood damage and the loss of every creature on Earth - except those safely in the Ark - another event with far reaching effects occurs. In the vast empty basin now occupied by the Pacific Ocean the water arrives in one huge deluge. The force of its fall is so great that the land around the basin is thrust up into mountains and thus remain to this day. Tectonic plate activity,.
The enormous volume of water arriving at once has a dramatic additional effect. It literally knocks the Earth 'sideways' increasing its axial tilt (or its obliquity to the ecliptic, as Mr Dodwell puts it) to 23.5o thus condemning us to the vagaries of the seasons with all the weather implications involved, from that time forward. Rain, snow, hurricanes, bleak polar caps, glaciers, icebergs, droughts, and all such weather-oriented phenomena replace the previous permanent tranquility.
According to the Genesis account (confirmed by Mr Dodwell) the flood water level is sufficient to cover 'all the hills and mountains'. However, in due course the water recedes – although where it all goes is another of those small mysteries – everyone emerges from the Ark the surviving animals make their way back to their countries of origin. Noah and his family descend to the plain and these eight people over a period of 4337 years, multiply to our present population of over five billion. Not impossible of course. Dodwell has it all neatly calculated and charted. But there must have been some unhealthy inbreeding
In the main he sets out his case with faultless and convincing mathematical precision. its clear that he did not merely take the Biblical account with a view to confirmation. In his research he discovered that the record of ancient and medieval observations of the obliquity of the ecliptic (the axial tilt of the Earth) did not tally with the accepted 'Newcomb Formula' and set out on a voyage of investigation to find the reasons for the discrepancies. In short, with enormous patience and single-minded diligence, he started from scratch. Nor did he allow himself to leave any stone unturned. In his manuscript he cites the Egyptian Dynasties, the Aztec Empire and Stonehenge among many other references; his tenacity and apparent logic are irreproachable.
it's all there, in its detailed glory, for anyone with the time, the patience, the fortitude and an open mind to examine at the Mortlock Library, Adelaide. Mr George Dodwell also sent a copy of his manuscript to the Royal Society but this august body decided against publication on the grounds that 'errors of ancient observations needed further discussion'. And so far as I know, there the matter ended.
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